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elink on Mac with bootcamp comm issue

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I am trying to run Railmaster on a Mac, I am successfully running windows 8 on boot camp on the Mac and it is running as windows should.

I’ve deactivated Railmaster and loaded onto Mac and that all works fine. Reactivation all went well too.

But there seems to be a comm issue and they don’t seem to be able to sync up.

Anyone else had this issue??

All the points move when starting Railmaster so it must be connecting somewhere but the controller is faded top right of screen.

I have tried the usual comm checks so they are on same comm, with same settings but still not talking. Thanks in advance. 🤷🏻‍♂️🤓

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I believe that other's have raised this same issue before. But I have no recollection or information relating to the final outcome. There is no official support from HRMS for this configuration. I do recall HRMS making a comment along the lines of 'that it should be possible, but the user is on their own to make it work'.

I vaguely recollect seeing one forum member saying that they got that configuration working. Whether that user sees this thread and replies with a working documented solution could be equal to the odds of winning the lottery.

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