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Loco maximum speed set to 1

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I seem to be having problems in setting up the shunt and cruise speed for a loco. Today I set up a Bachmann class 90. I copied a Hornby Class 90 and saved the results. I then set the loco id to 9005 and downloaded this to the actual loco. I then tried out the loco and it would not run. I played around with the shunt speed and tried again and this seemed to do the trick and I got the loco to run. Set up the functions for the lights and the pantograph and everything worked fine.

I then set up a second class 90. So, I defined the loco with a number of 0005; changed the loco number to 9037; downloaded the loco number to the loco. Tried to run the loco and again no luck but I noticed that the maximum speed on the controller was set at one and I could not get the slider bar to move, even if I used the tortoise or the hare.

I tried to play around with the speeds as I had done before on the previous loco but it would still not run. I then deleted the loco definition and started again. This time I paid more attention to the loco set up and I noticed

Cruise speed set to 90

Shunt speed set to 11

Detection set to 110

Voice control set to "F".

The last two were automatically filled in - I have noticed this before on other setups but did not pay much attention. On going to the controller the slide bar showed at the top 1 MPH but on the loco definition screen the speeds look correct.

I have tried other setups for other locos but it seems I am now getting this maximum speed of 1mph set up all of the time and whatever I do I cannot get past this problem and hence the loco (s) will not run.

I have no problems with already correctly defined locos and they work fine.

This is an issue with the loco setup since I have convinced myself the second loco and the decoder are fine because I reprogrammed the decoder to 9005 and the engine worked. Its the defintion stage which seems to be the problem because with this strange setup Railmaster will not communicate to the loco in order for it to run.

I have tried to find a similar forum but could not. So apologies If I have missed a thread.

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This problem has been widely reported on this forum and the answer is to delete the loco and start again which you say you have done.

Try deleting it again and relisting as a basic loco rather than cloning an existing loco.

Also as the loco already has been programmed with its long address list it as that rather than setting it in roster and then readdressing.

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This previous thread covers this issue.


Although the text in this historical thread is appropriate to your issue, it originally contained supporting images. These have not yet been migrated over to this new forum from the old forum. The embedded links posted in the thread to further reading are now also broken links as a result of the forum transfer. Ignore the references about the 127mph, your issue is still most likely to respond to the same solution.

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Thanks Chrisaf and 96RAF for the replies. I did as you suggested. Deleted the existing loco definition; created the new definition by "hand" and then observed that the limit issues of 1mph had disappeared when I went to the control screen and selected 9037. But, it would still not run. I then went back to loco definition to re-load the address to the loco just in case some strange parameter was linked to the problem. The loco address was completed; I ended the program and re-loaded it just in case there were some setup parameter issues but again the loco would not run. Just to prove I was not going mad I re-programmed 9037 to 9005 and the same engine and decoder again ran fine - went back to change the address to 9037 and select this in the controller and nothing.

I did notice that I was still getting a value in the detection ID and "F" in voice control but on looking back at previous setups this was the case as well.

On Thursday and Friday I had previous set up 6 locos - 4 Dapol class 68 and two Hornby class 87 and all work fine. As also previously stated I eventually got one of my Bachmann class 90's to define correctly, but this morning I have tried to define an "engine" in whatever form and I cannot get it run. Have again tried previous engines where the setup was known to be good and these locos work fine. So I am now at a loss as to what is going on. The release of Railmaster I am using is 1.72 if this is a help

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Fetch the latest version of RM from the sticky post at top of page (v1.74) and load this over the top of your existing version. No need to uninstall, just close RM first.

Then try again with the same loco.

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downloaded the software and now on version 1.74 - but still no success. I have defined the loco manually and now in the control section the famous 127 in pink - now as I understand it from previous posts this refers to increments and when I click onto the box to control that selected engine it is then in green. I have read about not being able to use the tortoise and hare and don't fully understand this - but - that's a secondary issues (perhaps) because I still cannot get the loco to run.

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