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Elite problem


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Does the Elite screen stay blank or does it come back. How long is it blank for. And when it does come back does everything still work DCC wise?

Is there any chance whatsoever for there to be any electrical path between the output of the DC Controller and the outputs of the Elite, either Elite DC AUX or Elite DCC Track outputs?

Are ANY parts / components shared between the DCC and DC side of your layout design?

For example are you using any part of the Elite power components to provide an input to your DC controller?

If it is a Hornby R070 TurnTable has the turntable track inlets / outlets been modified for DCC use? [Out of the box, this TT is designed for DC Analogue layouts.]

With regard the points aspect of your layout, please itemise the parts you are using.

  1. DC Controller power source - but what controller model?
  2. Are you using a CDU?
  3. What point operating switches are you using, are they Hornby R046 or something different?
  4. What point motors?
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The screen stays blank until you turn it of then back on again , but you can still control the engine you are running on the the throttle. The turntable has been modified by removing the brass tabs. Both controllers are powered by their own transformers plugged into the main. In using a CDU. The point motors are twist lock with the switches.

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If both control systems are totally separated both physically and electrically as you say. Then there is no logical explanation I can think of that might result in your observations.

However, that said, I am not familiar with your twist lock point motor arrangement [by PECO I assume from Google?].

If PECO, does this mean that you are also using PECO track and if you are, are you using Electrofrog points, and if you are, are you deploying frog power switching. I'm just wondering that if you are using frog power switching that there is something in the way that you have wired it up that is affecting the Elite. Electrofrogs require insulated rail joiners on the frog rails for example.

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Could it therefore be a coincidence and you have a faulty Elite, that seems to go blank just when operating points.

A screen going blank but still leaving you able to control a loco with the speed control does start to look like an Elite faulty screen issue.

The PECO blurb for twist lock point motors says that these draw up to 3 amps of current. Operating the points could feasibly be generating a local EMF pulse that a faulty Elite is picking up through the air.

Or if your Elite DCC track power wiring is routed side by side with your point motor operating wires, then cross-talk induction interference is a distinct feasible possibility.

Clutching at straws here with these suggestions.

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To rule out any track induced problems disconnect the Elite from the track and leave it powered up for a time to see if the problem repeats.

You may want to check the obvious inside the Elite if it is out of warranty.

please see here for instructions about getting it to bits and accessing the screen.


In particular has the screen ribbon cable clamp come loose.

Zebra connectors (see linked article) are fairly reliable and any trouble with them is manifest by screen corruption, not a total blank.

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