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Wiring problem with car


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I'm having a problem with one of my cars - every so often it just stops. I've tried it with 3 different controllers and it does the same with all 3. I took the top off the car and when it stops, if i tap the yellow wire from the pickup to the chip then it comes back to life. Is this a common problem? If so, how easy it to fix? Are there any guides to follow? I've had a bit of a google but can't find anything about this issue.

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Hi Andy,

Thanks for the reply. The car is a Lamborghini Centenario. It’s digital (arc pro chip fitted). I tried brand new braids and it made no difference. I can’t see any obvious damage to the wiring although there was quite a bit of dust.

So this is from the Sunset Speedway set?

There is unfortunately no real guide as to what color wire does what so what is the yellow wire connecting?

On a digital you have the two wires from the guide to the chip and then there are 2 to 4 wires from the chip to lights, motor or whatever.

If the yellow wire is from the guide to the chip it could be the "shoe" on the top of the guide is not making contact to the wire braid on the disc.

To check that you have to remove the complete guide blade assembly.

Otherwise get a magnifying glass and inspect all the connections. There is a small chance that something is only held on by a thread or maybe a thread is touching something it shouldn't, for example where the wire is soldered to the motor, i.e. there is a thread touching the motor case (which is earthed/grounded) causing a short.



On DPR cars with white plugs to insert a chip in them sometimes the wires break off inside the plugs themselves but this being a factory digital car shouldn't have that (unless they changed manufacturing processes again...)

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Thanks again for the reply Andy. It’s the Jaguar I-Pace set but my son wanted a Lamborghini. I think the problem was with the wire connecting to the shoe. I took it all apart and checked everything. I then bent the top of the shoe where the wire connects to it very slightly and it’s been running fine since then. Thanks again for your help.

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