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How many of the royal mail & channel packet bullied Pacifics did Hornby make? What would either be worth unused & unopened…. trying to find either.

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I would say 5000 plus of each named loco

Not as much as some think as they were the first ones made you may only get what you paid for it.

Too many think they can make a fortune reselling boxed unopened and un-used model trains

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Both loco's don't appear on Ebay very often - there are non available at this time. They were announced and released in 2017. As they were the first of the Class as originally built, I think they sold out very quickly - they did not appear in the 2018 catalogue. I have Channel Packet and paid £179.99 - which I think was RRP. You might get a slight premium on RRP - it's surprising what people will pay.

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Bullied Pacifics seem to fetch premium second hand prices anyway and when you go to Wrenns the prices seem out of this world. Especially if it is a blue one. The unrebuilt ones seem to fetch more than the rebuilt ones although mechanically they are far simpler. I must admit though a blue unrebuilt Wrenn Bullied does look really good.

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You can not compare Wrenn to Hornby, in regard to Merchant Navy Locos, Wrenn used 1 mould for both West Country/B of B and Merchant Navy bodies. Whilst the body is almost identical to a modern Hornby West Country it is smaller in regards to a modern Hornby Merchant Navy.

In regards to price there were only 8000 Wrenn air smoothed locos made between 1982 - close of the company in 1992 most named locos were made in the mid hundreds. only two Winston Churchill and Plymouth were in the 1000 made.

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I wasn't comparing them, I was mentioning what is fact, a Wrenn unrebuilt Merchant Navy/ BofB or West Country fetches substantially more than a Hornby. Yes, I agree a Hornby is more detailed but that is the current situation. Do a web search on a Wrenn and you will see what I mean. I don't know what they fetch now but a couple of years ago they were fetching well in excess of £400.

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There is a Wrenn Clan Line on Ebay at the moment, described as "new - never been out of the box" and the price is £275. There are a few others price between £175-£250.

Personally, I would not give them houseroom, but everyone to their own choice.

When Hornby announced the M/N's in 2000, they were priced at £89.99 - which probably seemed a lot at the time.

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The ones you are looking at are the rebuilt ones "Clan line" is always one of the cheapest. There is an unrebuilt "Biggin Hill" new in the box for £695 and a Plymouth for £450. The guy that runs my local model shop used to work there and he recons he has some special edition ones that are worth considerably more ( I think he got them cheap at the time). I must admit I have two of the unrebuilt ones and they are quite nice with sprung centre wheel, but sadly I run DCC and there is no way I am going to hack them around to insulate the second motor terminal. I suppose eventually I will make my layout switchable between DCC and DC to run them.

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My 21c1 was bought by me second hand from Hattons,it was about £200 second hand not so long ago.I also have bought Aberdee Commonwealth and the blue model.Beautiful models but don`t breathe on the brake pull rods.Here`s mine 3 railed for use my Dublo layout.


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Those brake rods, and the front steps add a lot to realism, but are an absolute pain!

Once certain they're located properly, I always add a 'little dab' of superglue to ensure they stay put.

I also check the original packaging to see that a 'detailed locomotive' can actually be returned to storage without damage - many packaging foams and plastic mouldings cannot accept a detailed locomotive without modification themselves, or they'll rip the detailing clean off!


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