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Issue with eLink Detection

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Morning all, I received my brand new eLink yesterday and have had no end of issues with it and RailMaster.

I'm running Win 10 and knew there were steps to go through to get it working - I installed the RM software, plugged in the eLink, changed the COM3 settings to the correct baud rate and got nothing. Checked the .ini file, looks fine and has the 2 relevant values set to 1. Tried installing the driver from the RM folder, managed to get some connectivity but then it failed on the eLink firmware update and didn't detect again.

Ripped everything off the machine - deleted the RM folder after uninstall, uninstalled the COM device and started again. Managed to get RM to detect the eLink, the firmware update to 1.07 went on fine and it was showing as detected so I shutdown the software and machine thinking job done.

Today I've turned it all on and I'm back to no detection status, tried flipping the port from COM3 to 4 but still no luck.

I know it's a long shot but does anyone have any other things I can try before just sending it back?

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Had you read through the recommended advice on this forum before wading into RM you would have seen that the very first thing you do on Win 10 is to connect the eLink and let Windows load the native driver for it. Then and only then do you load RM.

Doing it the way you have has screwed it up by loading the RM driver which is only needed for earlier versions of Windows. You need to delete the eLink and Driver in Dev Mgr, then connect it without RM running and let Windows find the device and load the correct driver to it.

Repeatedly uninstalling and reloading RM further messes the system up as each time you must deactivate your licence key or risk locking it up and having to call in HRMS to unlock it for you.

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Hi and thanks for the reply.

I removed the RM driver cleanly from the system and have gone back to the generic MS one, also I've been using RM in eval mode so as not to run into issues with the license key. I did do the eLink first as that's what the advice I was following told me to do, forgot to mention that in the original post.

My main issue is it detected fine yesterday to allow me to update the eLink firmware then not this morning. I did eventually get it working today, long enough to read and program CVs on my first DCC loco, but once again it wouldn't connect next time I tried.

It's the inconsistency of connection that's bothering me, I can't rely on it just working when I would like it to.

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Connection issues are generally two fold.

AV or firewall interfering. See AC’s sticky post help site for more info on defeating thee pesky beggars.

.INI file settings. Again fully covered on the forum.

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