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Hornby HST question


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Hey guys.

I've just won a HST online and want to get ordering an LED conversion kit for it, and I will also add a pair of DCC decoders.

But, I'm a little confused with what model it is. It appears to be an r797 and is all wheel drive.

But all the conversion kits for the lighting appear to be for the front bogie drive version of the HST.

I can't seem to find any information about the both bogie driven old school HST, only the new version.

Was the all wheel drive version produced back in the 80s or is it a newer version?

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If it is R797, it has one powered bogie, with 2 traction tyres.

This will probably not have lights.

Lighting kits are available - use Google, or locate sellers of same on Ebay and ask them the same question.

Stickswipe - Jason - produces some excellent kits and sells through Ebay - don't know him personally just have received a few of his kits.


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I haven't actually received it yet but this is a picture of the bottom of it.

It looks to me like there are gears on both bogies, which to me would suggest it's driven from both bogies.

If not, what are the additional gears for?


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The plastic gear moulding on the backs of the wheels on the upper side (in your image) of the front, non-powered, bogie is there only to provide insulation. Only the rear bogie is powered and the wheels on the lower side in your image will also have the same moulding, actually being used as gears to take the drive from the motor, plus traction tyres in grooves in those wheel treads. Both the powered and non-powered cars have diode-controlled white running lights.

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Brilliant, thank you sir.

Will it have pickups on both bogies?

I was wanting to order the twin pack of TTS sound decoders for it along with some lighting kits to give it a bit more modern feel, it's also already had a cd motor conversion so hopefully will be a good runner. I just worry about the lack of pickup due to the traction tyres

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There are pick-ups on both bogies, but possibly not in the sense you may be thinking.

As factory built, the electrical circuit on this model is pick-up from one rail by the two non-tyred wheels on the motor bogie, through the motor, and return to the other rail via the wheels on the opposite side of the non-powered bogie. In other words, both bogies pick up but only from one rail on each, unless the previous owner has added more.

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Try checking this .pdf document I drew up a while back but which is still valid and shows how to fit an LED board rear and front of the 125 and takes little work to complete.

The kit is still available from the link within the document and the cost of the boards is close to £10 inc. p&p.

I am not affiliated to this chap who runs his own business but the board mimics the day/night running of the 125 and works extremely well. It shows exactly how to fit these with plenty photography to help.

A little soldering is involved but nothing difficult. It may also help answer your query re the wheel arrangements.

The page is piggy backed onto my RailMaster Help Site linked to on this forum.


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Ah right, that makes sense. My GNER class 91 was a similar setup, however it had pickups on both sides of the non powered bogie so ran brilliantly. Hopefully there is a kit to add an extra pickup.

@augustus Caesar.

Thanks for the pdf, I'll take a look.

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Hi again.

Does anybody know if this part will fit the front bogie on my hst? There's a YouTube video of somebody fitting it to the non powered bogie of an old class 91 and it looks pretty much identical to the hst bogie and gives much better pickup.

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That will give you an additional feed to the motor but the pick-up assembly is designed to clip-fit to a modified chassis block so you will have to glue it in place. Also, the 90 has a longer wheelbase than the HST and larger diameter wheels so the pick-up arms may also need modifying/reshaping.

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