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Hand Held Licence Purchase

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Help Appreciated -----

I know I have read about how to purchase a Handheld Licence somewhere in the manuals but I just can not find it again. Could someone kindly remind me where to look and the process for purchasing because I just can't find it again and its very frustrating now !!



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When RailMaster is installed, a number of PDF manuals and user guides are also installed at the same time. The installer usually puts 'short cuts' to them on the Desktop but many users like to keep their Desktops tidy and remove the links. The PDF manuals however are not removed and can still be found in the RailMaster program folder.

There is a specific manual for 'Hand Held' devices. It is named "HHguide_en.pdf". This is what you need to search for. You will find the HH 'purchase a license' process documented on Pages 53 / 54 in this manual.

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Chris, Yes and I have these manuals arranged for easy access. As I am not seeing the evaluation message I did not realise this was where the answer lay. Looks like I have an issue with IP address and communication with the lap top. Thanks

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Thanks your previous direction re HH guide pages 53/54 which will help going forward.

I can only download the below to my ipad but am unable to change the IP address so I can get the evaluation version of the HH programme. When using the restart and back buttons to change the ip address the screen reverts to the IP address in the screen shot shown below each time. Advise appreciated.


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Throughout all of this documented process RailMaster MUST be loaded and running.

First thing first, it is necessary to confirm that the IP Address is correct [ignore the :31 this is a port number]. Hover your mouse cursor over the top left box highlighted in the image below by the bright green square.


With the mouse cursor hovered over the number 1 box, a pop-up should appear displaying the IP address being used by RailMaster. I am assuming that this address will be different to the address. Write the address down for reference.

Now go back to the APP screen.


Click the blue button highlighted in the green box. A screen similar to the one below should open. A say similar, because your posted text mentions a 'Restart' button as well as a 'Back' button. The image below is taken from a slightly different APP that does not have the 'Restart' button.

The terminology used in this APP is misleading. You should NOT use the 'Restart' button if it is displayed. This button is the same as 'Cancel' and restart afresh. The 'Back' button is the one that will need to be used after the next step and is the equivalent to 'Save Changes' and go back to previous page.


In the screen above look at the area reproduced below in close up.


The green box [image above] highlights where you need to type in the IP address that was displayed in the 'hover mouse cursor' process described in the first part of this reply. DO NOT include the :NN part of the IP Address displayed, just the first four 'dot' ( . ) separated elements of the IP Address.


In this highlighted green box [image above], type in the port number displayed in the RailMaster 'hover mouse cursor' process. Remember I said the port number is the number that follows the :

With the IP address now edited to match the one being used by RailMaster, now click the 'Back' button [DO NOT touch the 'Restart' button].


This screen should now display the previously edited IP address and try to connect the HH APP to RailMaster.

If this still fails to make a connection, then I suggest that your Anti-virus software and/or your Firewall configuration is blocking communication.

Note that the IP address displayed using the 'hover mouse cursor' process displays the current address being used by RailMaster. If you do not configure a 'static' IP address to use as instructed in the HH manual guide then this address is likely to change dynamically over time. So if you lose a HH connection, it is this area of the configuration that you need to repeat in order to restore a working IP connection, or just configure a 'static' address as instructed and use that instead.

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Very many thanks for Making the 'Wood in the Trees' visible. The Blue setting button was hidden under a screen ribbon at the bottom of my screen so no wonder I was having trouble. All solved now and working as it should.

Thanks again for your very useful additional written explanation and your excellent website.


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