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  1. Chris, Very many thanks for Making the 'Wood in the Trees' visible. The Blue setting button was hidden under a screen ribbon at the bottom of my screen so no wonder I was having trouble. All solved now and working as it should. Thanks again for your very useful additional written explanation and your excellent website. Andrew
  2. Chris, Thanks your previous direction re HH guide pages 53/54 which will help going forward. I can only download the below to my ipad but am unable to change the IP address so I can get the evaluation version of the HH programme. When using the restart and back buttons to change the ip address the screen reverts to the IP address in the screen shot shown below each time. Advise appreciated.
  3. Chris, Yes and I have these manuals arranged for easy access. As I am not seeing the evaluation message I did not realise this was where the answer lay. Looks like I have an issue with IP address and communication with the lap top. Thanks
  4. Help Appreciated ----- I know I have read about how to purchase a Handheld Licence somewhere in the manuals but I just can not find it again. Could someone kindly remind me where to look and the process for purchasing because I just can't find it again and its very frustrating now !! Thanks Andrew
  5. Many thanks for the reply. I will certainly write as you suggest. thanks
  6. Thank you Spireblade for asking this question. I have spent hours trying to figure out how to unlock the Pro Pack after transfer to a new computer. Hornby make it very clear to read the manual carefully and not to contact them but I certainly can't find any reference in the their own manual of the steps to take and where to find the Pro Pack Reactivation entry. I suggest that Hornby take a look at the manual and clearly write it down on pages 129 to 133 with a screen shot of the Loco Activation page so all users to take advantage of. Many Thanks all for a very useful forum.
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