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RailMaster [representing multi-layer layouts in track plans]

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I have drawn up my proposed railway plan on Excel (not the easiest !!) and now wish to relay it onto Railmaster. A couple of questions (probably been asked/answered numerous times, but too many pages to wade through on here).

1) my proposed railway runs on two levels. How can I translate that onto Railmaster ? Two levels as trains go into tunnels and reappear in other places.

2). There is a scale on Railmaster as horizontally and vertically are numbered. What scale is that to ? Currently my plan on Excel is 1 cm.

Many thanks

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Many new RailMaster users have a misconception that the plan created in RailMaster has to be an actual pictorial representation of their layout. This is not so. The RailMaster plan is only a logical representation used to operate points and optionally signals [plus any other ad-hoc accessories]. Thus the plan could consist of just those icons in isolation. There is absolutely no requirement whatsoever in RM to have all the track piece icons connected together.

My own layout is over two levels and I have represented that very easily using the available track pieces included in the RM track design screen. My RM track plan is reproduced below. The three lines labelled 'branch loop' shown in the centre, above the freight yard are physically installed under the top section labelled 'station loop' and 'station depot'.


In the plan above, the 'station loop' and station depot' at the top of the plan are physically on the upper level. The plan marked 'main loop' and 'branch loop' including the 'freight yard' in the centre area of the plan are physically on the lower level. Note that the horizontal tracks that pass under the vertical tracks on the centre right are not drawn as continuous track paths. It is totally quite OK to have gaps in the path of tracks on the plan. The straights and corner track piece icons serve no purpose in controlling the layout, they are purely visual for effect.

With regard your second question regarding scale. I would have to fire up my RM laptop and load RM to try and see what you are getting at. In principle, the track plan is not to any scale, as a logical representation of the layout plan, scale is irrelevant. Your track plan will take up as much space as you need when you create it. But note this, try to contain the plan in the smallest screen space you can, else trying to operate accessories using 'point and click' can be difficult if you have the zoom level set to a level that allows the whole plan to be visible on one screen.

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Hi Peter, if I might make a further suggestion to improve your forum experience:

You’ve rightly posted in the RM forum but then using RM as your title, you’ve effectively told us nothing about your question, besides its being in the right forum.

When I post a new topic, I like to summarise my question or topic in the title. So for your question, a topic title of say Two-Level Layout Design would have told us much more about your question and increased your chances of good replies.

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Hey, make suggestions and they magically appear! Thanks mods for both amended titles yesterday.



The OP can also amend their own post titles Fishy, although Mods will make sure a revised title makes good sense for searching on.

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