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Flying Scotsman


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Good Evening Everyone,

I have a Tender drive Hornby Flying Scotsman (China Model) my apologies I don’t know the model number.

Recently it stopped working stripped it down found a broken wire soldered and repaired all sorted until I put it on my layout and the drive wheels of the loco won’t move (tender works fine).

So I thought the pick up plate screws were too tight so I slacked them off and it made no difference, I have lubricated the axles and valve gear no difference. The loco drive wheels work fine when I push it along the track and when I operate it by hand they seem nice and free!

The motor still looks brand new and the body is un marked so I don’t want to bin it any ideas?

Thanks in advance


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You say the loco runs freely when pushed by hand, so I don't quite follow your statement that "the drive wheels of the loco won't move" when on the track.

With the whole loco on the track, does the tender work but is not able to move the loco? Or is there a short circuit so that when the loco and tender are coupled together on the track the tender does not work? If the latter applies, you may have resoldered the wire incorrectly. Which wire was it and where did you re-attach it? Or perhaps while working on the loco chassis, the contacts on the drawbar have got bent out of place also causing a short-circuit. The lower jaw contacts grip the pin at the front of the tender chassis while the upper feeler contacts bear on the tender chassis plate that surrounds the pin, without making contact with that pin.

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Moving on from the electrical side, are you saying the 'locomotive' is effectively jammed?

Are all of the coupling rod bolts nipped up - none are unscrewed and blocking?

(Be careful, DO NOT force these, they will snap off - I have the t-shirt on that one!)

Check also that the coupling, connecting and valvegear rods are not interfering with each other.

If you slacked off the baseplate, did you unseat a driver axle, and the bush - if there is one - is out of position - axle jammed?


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No the valve gear is not Jammed, and the wheels and valve gear do move freely when operated by hand.

The wire broke away from the contact base plate on the bottom of the locomotive I re soldered it and the problem is not electrical.

When you try to operate the locomotive the tender works and moves the locomotive but the large driving wheels of the locomotive do not turn

But will turn when operated by hand it's a very strange fault.

The valve gear is not bent and is free moving.

I did not see a bush but interesting idea I will check tomorrow.

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I had exactly this fault with a couple of my tender driven locos, that is why I hate them so much. You push it along manually and it works perfectly. Couple up the tender and it slides along the track. You need to examine the wheels and the valve gear, in my case one of the wheels was very sightly buckled that was one of the faults, the other was the cylinder block was adding a little extra resistance. I spent hours trying to fix it especially as I had just added extra pickups. In my cases even with the buckled wheel it was the valve gear not moving absolutely freely that was causing the issue. You will be interested to know that the tender driven body will fit the later loco driven chassis, you might have to machine away a couple of webs dependant on the model year, but it does fit, if you really get fed up with it sliding.

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