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Some loco and DCC chip combinations wont program


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This one is totally baffling me. Since linking my elite up to Railmaster, I have had some trouble with programming various combinations of Chip and locomotives. Having failed to programme anything through Railmaster I reverted back to the normal method using the elite but the problem persists even after a "factory reboot"

The problem happens regardless of manufacturer and is not consistent. For example Laisdcc refuse to program when fitted to a Railroad Corosti 9f, but a gauge master did. However, I tried fitting the LaisDCC to a Model Rail Sentinel and could program it! In both cases the chip ran the loco on 3 without a problem

I also have similar problems with an Oxford rail Adams radial, Hornby chips and a DCC fitted Clan Line. Some other locos that seem to have "forgotten their programming will also not re-program. One of which is an electrotren 060, while its sister fitted with the same time of chip will!

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I have been struggling with some old Lenz L103 (4-off) and ZTC 214 (3-off) decoders, which will not program in any mode and one brand will only run on address 00, which in itself is odd as that is reserved for analogue loco running.

The manuals are of no help, so they have all gone into File 13.

I only wanted a gash decoder to run my turntable so ended up with a reliable R8249, which performs exactly as advertised.

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Have you tried programming via the POM (Programming On Main) option, assuming such is available? i.e. Programme loco on the main track not the programming track. I would remove all other locos first though just as precaution, then if possible try POM programming as the full track voltage and current often overcomes decoders failing to programming when on the programming track and its low current output.

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In Hornby speak POM is termed 'Operate Mode' and is a selectable programming mode with an Elite, but not available via RailMaster.

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I must admit when I first started with DCC I tried all sorts of decoders virtually all of them worked with the Elite. I have had issues with Gaugemaster ones and some DCC concepts ones. The LaisDCC ones always seemed to work although running the locos they weren't that good but quite a lot of the others weren't either. In the end I found decoders from Zimo, Hornby and surprisingly Hattons were my mainstay. In the end I found the low cost Zimo ones were only a couple of pounds more than the rest and were so I reliable, that I stick to these. I also found that the people at YouChoos were so reliable and friendly, that I would rather give them my business. The only other exception to this rule is the Hornby TTS decoders, they always seem to work ok, although their reliability is an issue.

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Thanks all,

I'll try the operate mode though I think I'll hitch the elite up to a test track (swapping two wires is a lot simpler than finding all locos and taking them off the track!

Odly enough, I hard wired one of the offending Liasdcc chips to a Lima railcar (W34W) as i thought I could live with this remaining as 3, but when testing the motor I thought I'd try programming it by holding the programming track wires onto the red and black and I was able to program!

Given this sucess I am considering making a programming rig by hazrd wiring an 8 pin socket to an old LIMA 0-6-0 chassis to see if I can pre-program the chips before fitting. Can anyone foresee a problem?

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