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R3605TTS occasionally stops at higher speeds


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I just bought a new R3605TTS and I'm finding that it occasionally stops and starts again and sometimes it doesn't even start again and I have to cut the power to get it working again. This only happens at speeds greater than about 50%. It makes no difference if sound or lights are on or off. It seems it starts cutting out after about 10 mins of running with or without hauling loads. My controller is a Select. I also have a Castle Class with TTS and that runs fine. So I guess this is a fault and I should send it back for a replacement, but is there anything I can try or check to fix it? I already checked for loose plugs on the decoder.

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It appears to be cutting out on overload of the decoder.

When it stops does the Select screen show any abnormality, such as fading in and out as if rebooting continually. Are you using the 1-amp power supply with the Select.

As it does this with sound and/or lights on or off it points to a possible fault. I would be tempted to go for a return for replacement.

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As it’s new, removing the capacitor as Colin suggests (Colin, it’s new, it will have a capacitor), may void your warranty. I agree with removing it but not until your sure if you want to use the return warranty or not.

I also agree it sounds like an overload, either Select if showing abnormal or decoder if not. Are you running anything else at the time? And please confirm if you are using the 1 Amp supply as already asked by Rob.

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