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US Marines 01716


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US Marine Corps, Pacific 1945.

Vallejo Model Color 70893 95 US Dark Green = Combat overall

Vallejo Model Color 70818 136 Red Leather / 70871 147 Leather Brown = Boots

Vallejo Model Color 70987 111 Medium Grey = canvas leggings or gaiters

Vallejo Model Color 70882 118 Middlestone with Vallejo Model Color 70879 114 Green Brown = webbing

Vallejo Model Color 70984 140 Flat Brown = water bottle

Vallejo Model Color 70871 147 Leather Brown = leather holster

Vallejo Model Color 70826 145 German Camouflage Medium Brown = US .30 in. M1 (Garand semi-automatic) rifle stock

Vallejo Model Color 70889 91 USA Olive Drab = M1 helmet, Bazooka, grenade

Vallejo Panzer Aces 310 Old Wood = entrenching tool handle, paddle

Vallejo Model Color 70863 179 Gunmetal Grey = US .30 in. M1 (Garand semi-automatic) rifle fittings, .45 in. M3 sub-machine-gun, US Thompson sub-machine-gun

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Nice one Ratch! Just getting back into a bit of modelling and figure painting - bit more free time on one's hands in a pandemic I guess. As it happens I am also painting these exact Marines.

I like your work and efforts to share with the community by the way - well done. Mine are a work in progress, and I've started with some enamel paints as that's what I used to have. Thinking about switching to acrylic soon...

Anyway, here's where my WIP is up to, the 2nd shot sans diorama is with a bit of paler green dry brushing added to the original olive drab coat. I'm realising I want to do a lot more coats, blends, washes, etc, and that would be so much easier with acrylic.



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Your figures are looking good too. Are they representing any particular unit/theatre? You may know already that the sculps are a bit of a mixture of uniforms and could be used for infantry units too. Keep up the good work - looking forward to seeing the finished articles.

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Well I was going for the look of the mid/ late 1942 Marines at Guadalcanal, so that could be the 5th Marine regiment maybe. I had some difficulty over the uniform colours, I started with a Tamiya Olive Green, tried a Humbrol Marine Green on some figures, then have made a 50/50 mix of the Olive Green and Tamiya White, for some dry brush highlights.

Yes, I did notice a bit of inconsistency amongst the uniforms and sizes of figures, I wasn't sure about the gaiters being present on all, and I went for a basic black boots look - I think that was shown on the cover of my Airfix box. I see that you've used these guys to recreate a couple of US Infantry divisions as well - sweet.

Now that I've restarted this hobby I'm right back into it, heck, the bank balance is feeling the effects of that already! I feel like I want to experiment and learn more - am excited to try things like washes which I have not done before.

Hence I am very grateful for all the inspiration people like yourself are providing - I started looking into this web site while researching colours for the Airfix Marines, and I've stayed for the stories, the pictures and ideas - and now joined the gallery. What next - i might even finish a batch of figures!

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Posted a bit of an update when the picture show up. Tamiya and Humbrol enamels. Am experimenting with dry brushing a mix of Olive:White to lighten up the original Tamiya Matt Olive.

The Tamiya Flesh is not thick enough, I will try to mix and stir even more for the next coat - perhaps just needs multi coats. I think I prefer the Humbrol Flesh paint of years past.

I need to put more of a belt around them, the close ups are revealing, may dry brush that ring through the Humbrol Oak Satin cartridge bags.

I'm pleased with the effect of the new helmet colour, a darker variant on the Olive by adding a drop of Royal Blue in a 3:1

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More power to your elbow. My main interest is Napoleonic Waterloo figures, but I've run out of Airfix ones to do.



I like these too. Checked out some of your good work in that area. I've got a couple of sets of French Guards and Artillery in the kitbag. Waiting for my acrylics to arrive!

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  • 1 year later...

These camouflaged uniforms were unpopular with US GIs, because they were often confused for German SS uniforms, resulting in friendly fire incidents. Therefore, they were a short-lived experiment, at least in North-West Europe in 1944-5.





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