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RailMaster version 1.74.4 released

Guest Chrissaf

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The official RailMaster download link is working again.

HRMS have advised me that the previous 1.74.3 version [27th Sept] updated the code related to making connections to the HRMS servers. This may or may not improve the situation previously reported relating to RM activations. It does not contain any new features & functionality. This later updated 1.74.4 version [28th Sept] fixes a bug in the tabs on the 'Settings' screen, that the 1.74.3 release accidentally introduced..

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I've just downloaded the ZIP file from my Cloud storage and unzipped it and can find no fault with the ZIP it is working fine.

But note that the official RM download link [replicated below] was fixed this morning and should be working, negating the need to use my 'Cloud Storage' version.

RailMaster Download

Make sure that you run the 1.74.4 RM version and not 1.73.3 that has a BUG affecting the 'Settings' screen tabs.

Q1 - What ZIP utility program are you using to unZip the file?

Q2 - Is it on a Windows PC?

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In your screen grab image I can not see the 'Download' link button being displayed. It is possible that you not trying to download my zip file correctly.

When the page opens, you tick the check box to the left of the file name. With the check box ticked a 'Download' button will appear (which I can not see in your screen grab). Then click the button to download the file. The check box is not ticked in your screen grab image either.

Chrome and Edge probably handle downloads differently. I use Firefox.

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My opening 'starter post' stated "no new features or functionality" in this release. This includes 'no new locomotives' as well.

As stated, this release aims to improve Internet connectivity, particularly for users in other countries who have recently been reporting 'unable to download and/or activate' issues, nothing more.

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Post have been raised indicating that version 1.74.4 is Bugged as well. I suggest that early adopters wait a bit for a stable version to be released.

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My opening 'starter post' stated "no new features or functionality" in this release. This includes 'no new locomotives' as well.
As stated, this release aims to improve Internet connectivity, particularly for users in other countries who have recently been reporting 'unable to download and/or activate' issues, nothing more.



Apologies, I should have read the post fully.

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With regard both versions 1.74.3 and version 1.74.4 having BUGs relating to the 'System Settings' screen.

HRMS have been unable to replicate the 1.74.4 error on their lab system, even though I could confirm seeing it on my own personal RM installation. HRMS have therefore been using my RM installation as a 'test bed' with my assistance. A fix has been identified and should be released shortly. I will advise further when appropriate.

The fix has been applied to my RM installation and so far seems to be stable and working.

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In your screen grab image I can not see the 'Download' link button being displayed. It is possible that you not trying to download my zip file correctly.
When the page opens, you tick the check box to the left of the file name. With the check box ticked a 'Download' button will appear (which I can not see in your screen grab). Then click the button to download the file. The check box is not ticked in your screen grab image either.
Chrome and Edge probably handle downloads differently. I use Firefox.




Sorry, been off-line for a couple of days. I'd tried using both the three dots to the right of the file and by ticking the box and using the Download button at the top. Both methods failed with Chrome but worked with Edge.

Your 1.74.5 file downloads fine with both Chrome & Edge and using both methods.


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No not a mystery.

With regard my Cloud download links, they were all updated with new ones in the last 2 hours this morning because the Setup file needed updating to the 1.74.5 version. I also needed to refresh the download links for the 1.74.2 version too. Thus they are all fresh new links and the forum pages containing those links were also updated accordingly.

In addition to the above:

The 'railmaster.com' server has been off-line for a few days it came back on line on the 27th. HRMS say that the server had some SSL issues [sSL (Secure Socket Layer) is an internet security certificate protocol]. During the server down time, the SSL configuration has been updated. HRMS were aware that some members were experiencing server file download issues, particularly those off shore in other countries. This SSL configuration change should fix that issue. Thus the original HRMS links should now be working for all. I originally posted my Cloud links as an alternative download location because the previous HRMS server configuration did not work for all.

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