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Bug in v1.74.3 of Railmaster


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I have had problems with my pc and have de-activated Railmaster.

I have downloded Chrissafs' link and downloaded Railmaster again but in the settings tab there is no option to select com port. General and loco detection just show loco detection page. My elink isn't connecting to Railmaster.

Any help would be gratefully received...thank you.

Mod note - title amended to aid future search.

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HRMS released version 1.73.3 yesterday. I believe that it is this 1.74.3 version that has this 'Settings' tab issue. HRMS then released a newer version 1.74.4 earlier today which they say fixes this issue.

If you downloaded RM prior to 1:20PM today. You need to download and install the later 1.74.4 version which was uploaded at 1:20PM.

Just to recap, you don't uninstall previous versions, you just right click the RM setup.exe file and choose 'Run as Administrator' and run the installer over the top of the installed version.

Note that there are hardly any issues with RM that can be solved by deactivating it. You are more likely to create more issues by doing so. Review my "RailMaster FAQ Index" sticky thread at the top of the RailMaster forum, to see if your issue is listed there as a FAQ.

Note that the first FAQ [FAQ 1] documents controller connection issues.

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I have reported your observation to HRMS @ 19:55

Version 1.74.2 is still downloadable from my Cloud link in the sticky 'Download' thread. I suggest you revert back to the 1.74.2 version pending a proper fix.

Edit: I now see you just have.

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Sorry, but I’m going to get on my hobby-horse again here about this topic title. This topic has been posted in the RM sub-forum which is all about giving people help with RM. Therefore, the only thing the title tells us is that it appears to have been posted in the correct forum, nothing about the problem to be addressed.

To fix this, could a mod please change the title to “Bug in v1.74.3 of RM”.

Please don’t take this as criticism, none intended, I’m just trying to help people get a better experience from the forum and to navigate it more productively. With the change, as soon as a later version is released, as has already happened, everyone will know to refer to the later version.

Mod note - topic title amended as suggested.

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With regard both versions 1.74.3 and version 1.74.4 having BUGs relating to the 'System Settings' screen.

HRMS have been unable to replicate the 1.74.4 error on their lab system, even though I could confirm seeing it on my own personal RM installation. HRMS have therefore been using my RM installation as a 'test bed' with my assistance. A fix has been identified and should be released shortly. I will advise further when appropriate.

The fix has been applied to my RM installation and so far seems to be stable and working.

EDIT. See 'RM version 1.74.5 released' thread. This is the bug fixed version mentioned above.

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