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Electrical Problems With My Loco!


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This is a fairly new set, brought off eBay about year and a half ago. it is the 'Country To Coast' set, it was in excellent condition and worked like clock work up until now, got it out, un-packed the set, brought out the train, set up the track, cleaned it checked the loco out and then turned on the track and brought the power up slowly as normal, but for some reason will not gain speed. checked points on track and checked the controller for faults, all good. I then gradually went up to full power and still trundled around the track really slowly, when i sometimes do races this loco always wins and is my fastest loco up until now. Physically the loco is in awesome condition.

If anyone could help me on this subject it would be appreciated!



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Expecting an answer within half an hour or so of posting your question is pushing your luck, especially reposting within a minute or so after that. Folk can wait days before they get an answer to their problem.

As the loco has been stored it could be the oil and grease has gone off and is clogging the mechanism. Give it a lube per the maintenance sheet that came with the set.

The other thing could be the motor is worn out as you say you used to race it.

Does it run properly if you put a 9v battery across the rails instead of connecting the controller power.

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Thankyou very much

Also, I have got a Graham Fairish Loco that is getting on for 100 years it is a 1920's model. it is not working and I really need some help on this, does anyone know about these, 96RAF?

Does anyone have any ideas on who could fix these or something or who would offer to take it off me for a service?

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Your Farish loco will be very difficult to get spares for and you will probably need a donor loco. Some of the tender locos have a rather odd motor in the tender and drive the loco wheels through a shaft. I only found out the SR 060 tender loco had a loco mounted motor this week.

The early tender locos were available in 2 and 3 rail versions and had plunger pick ups on the tender. The prairie tank also had plunger pick ups and I have seen one where they lifted the rear wheels off the track. Later versions used the more normal wheel pick up and had a better motor.

The pannier tank was available with several motors, mine has a large can motor and is a superb runner, but I have seen some dreadful ones.

Whatever you do, don’t drop it. The metal bodies are very fragile and will disintegrate at the slightest provocation. They are also very basic compared to modern locos.

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