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Cannot deactivate Railmaster software

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I had RailMaster software installed on a very old laptop which unfortunately is no longer useable as the hard disk failed and Windows no longer boots. I did not have a backup and apparently it is not cost effective to get it repaired.

Anyway my problem is that I obviously cannot deactivate the RailMaster software on the laptop. I have the original software disk so is there another way to deactivate the software to allow me to install it on my Windows desktop computer instead? I appreciate I can only have one copy in use at a time to prevent misuse.

I did look through the RailMaster Help website, and the Hornby forum, but couldn't see this specific question asked/answered. Sorry if I missed it.

Any thoughts / guidance?



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Hi John

This has happened to members before. If you send an email to Railmaster support, with the your details and explain what happened, they will be able to reset it for you to allow to to install it on a new PC.

Support can be contacted on: support@rail-master.com

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This is based on personal experience as I recently had a similar experience. In my case it was my Laptop motherboard that failed, I was able to read my HDD in a USB caddy - see comment further below.

I downloaded the latest current RM version and installed it on the new Laptop PC, When I went to authenticate the new installation with my original key, a message popped up saying the key was in use. I was then presented with an online within RM application form to fill in. More of which in a minute. I filled in the form details and submitted it, about a minute later I received an email telling me that my key had been reset and that I should now be able to authenticate my key on the new PC.

With regard this form, it is critical that you enter the exact same data detail that you used the very first time you authenticated your key. If there is a data mismatch the process will fail.

The data is held in a text file titled "activate.dat" (file name quoted from memory). This file is stored in the RM program folder. Although your old PC has failed, you may be able to remove the HDD from it and connect it to a working PC via USB caddy. Then you might be able to retrieve this file and read its contents in Notepad.exe. This would ensure the highest chance of the reactivation process working.

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