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Hornby Tornado 60163, problem with small front wheels

Irma -1234764

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Hello everyone!

I wanted to make my 4 year old son happy for Christmas so I bought my very first Hornby Tornado 60163 locomotive set to roam around our Christmas tree. I am a complete beginner and in the mere start I made a mistake. I removed all the screws of the chassis. By doing so the small front wheels fell off. I managed to put back all the parts except of the small wheels and I really cannot find way to fix them back properly. I trully tried all the combinations under the sun. It ruined my day yesterday. I will add the picture if it's possible and I would much appreciate someone to explain to me step by step how to put back those wheels as they were.

Thank you all so much in andvance. Merry Christmas!


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Just at the start of Rob's white arrow, is that a nut?

That should insert into the bottom of the bogie, the screw I presume from the top, through the slider, through the top of the bogie, screwing into the nut. This should hold the bogie assembly together - if there are no other washers around anywhere.

The screw alongside the white arrow is screwed into the chassis where Rob indicates - I think.


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If there is still a threaded screw hole where 96RAF has circled in white (it is difficult to be certain), then proceed as follows, with all the components laid out as in your photograph:-

  1. insert the larger screw in the curved slot of the bracket from above
  2. turn the 4-wheel bogie up the other way and place the screw in the curved slot of the bracket through the centre hole in the bogie
  3. take the nut and place it in the recess in the centre of the underside of the bogie and screw the screw in to it. The bogie should then hang from the bracket and be able to move in an arc along the slot in the bracket. The guard irons in front of two of the bogie wheels should be at the front of the locomotive, hanging downwards.
  4. turn the bogie and bracket assembly up the other way and secure the bracket to the chassis with the smaller screw where marked by 96RAF.

If the chassis screw hole is obscured, report back.

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I have done loads of these, I generally replace them with the A4 one, for some reason it runs better. Take the bogie with the 4 wheels on making sure the tangs at the front are pointing down. Now take the nut and push it into the central hole from the underside. Hold it in the hole with a screwdriver or something else so it will not fall out. Take the "stepped" screw and push it through the slot in the bent bracket. It must be pushed down through the bracket with the bend on the bracket pointing upwards. Now screw the "stepped screw" into the hole in the bogie from the top, the nut will be on the underside still held in by what you supported it with. If you don't hold the nut in with something it will fall out as you start to screw. So now you should have the bogie dangling on the bracket. Now all you do is screw the bracket to the screwed hole in the chassis.

If I have missed anything out please feel free to correct me.

If you Google Hornby X6873 it will show you what it should look like fitted together, the bracket is a bit wider but the idea is the same.

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