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Using TTS decoders with other DCC interfaces/software


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I am trying to setup a TTS decoder loco with iTrain and a Digikeijs DR5000 interface. The sound works fine with Railmaster/E-link but is only partly working with the new setup. Headlights and Sound start/stop work fine, but many of the other functions either work sporadically or not at all. Presumably the way the Hornby system sends the function commands to the decoder is different from the default method with the new setup. Anyone have any experience of setting up TTS locos with other systems that could help me on where to look for a fix please?

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In theory TTS decoders have no different function operating requirements to any other decoder. But note that TTS decoders are Twin Track Sound which means that only two sounds can play at any one time. Any spot sound has to play out before another spot sound can be played if the background engine sound is also playing. This will affect how quickly spot sounds can be played sequentially.

The TTS sounds fall into two categories, play once spot sounds and permanent sounds (like the engine for example). Some spot sounds however require an 'off' command to be sent after the initial 'play' command is sent. The subsequent 'off' command resets the decoder function so that it is ready to play the same sound again.

Your 'sporadic' observations would indicate that your non Hornby controller system are not automatically sending the 'off' command where it is necessary.

Just assume for the sake of description that a long whistle spot sound is triggered by sending F3.

So you would send F3 to play the long whistle, then send F3 again to reset (off). So to play the whistle twice sequentially, you would have to send the F3 command 4 times. RailMaster software automatically sends the second reset function command in a macro function, but not all controllers do. So armed with this information look at your controller manuals to see if they have a 'macro' function capability that can be used to customise the Function Command operation structure.

To prove this theory, operate a number of your TTS spot sounds in turn, but wait 2 seconds after sending the first F number then send the F number again to reset it before doing the same with a different sound.

I have suggested a wait of 2 seconds, as this is default wait time configured in the RailMaster function macro.

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That is a bit worrying I was going to upgrade to one of them in the future. I test my locos with an Elite, but on my main layout I have a Fleishmann Twin Track controller. The TTS decoders work perfectly with both. I have the two types as I got them cheap because they didn't work. From what you are saying you are using a software interface to the Digikeijs DR5000, you need to test it with the raw Digikeijs DR5000 software if there is such a thing, to check that it is issuing the commands properly.

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Maybe iTrain needs to have decoder definitions to handle comms, not just basic NMRA data flow for speed and direction, etc but such data as Chris has mentioned telling about which sound functions are on/off and which require a second command to ‘reset’ them for next time.

JMRI uses that methodology and it was necessary for someone to write the definitions for each decoder, to be lodged in the software libraries, noting that in the case of TTS no two decoders have the identical function listings.

Note also that TTS can only play the background sound (F1) and one other sound, and that when swapping twixt one sound and the next there is a ‘play out’ time which has to elapse after switch off before the subsequent selection can kick in.

As noted by Colin does TTS work direct from the DR5K and what happens if you plug the eLink into the sniffer port.

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