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Prince of wales loco to have steam generator

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The POW announced today is an addition to the model already in development. I thought the same thing that its a steam gernerator added on the 1 announced last year but looking through the categories that is still as promised, and the new 1 has “SS” on the end of the catalogue number.

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An interesting point was I was lead to believe that to make it work you needed DCC, but it appears they are supplied without DCC as there is a reference to buying the TTS decoder.



It's just a DCC Ready loco - also with flickering fire box and running lights. I assume then these will work straight out of the box together with the "steam" - for sound you add the TTS decoder or whatever.

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It was featured in the Hornby TV series on the Yesterday channel, I cannot tell you which episode, but they can be Internet streamed free on UK TV catch up.

It is based upon some form of electrically powered system that uses real water, so no messy oil residues.

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Definitely not brown gunge - the steam is indeed water based - you saw the engineer topping it up on the TV. It uses an ultrasonic vaporiser disc akin to those you get in water features that produce mist effects.

It has to have sound as the chuffs are generated from the sound decoder. Simon did mention the new Hornby sound decoder, which is 21-pin confirmed by looking at the product page and the loco boxes and he also spoke about speaker capsules by which I take it he meant enclosures for the improved speakers also seen on the TV program.

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96RAF - my mum has one of those diffusers that uses a water reservoir to shoot vapour up about 20cm. Has about a 300ml water tank. I had to open it up to clean it and the actual ultrasonic unit is very small indeed.

I’ve been surprised that the residue leaves no trace on the surface it’s on, even when used with essential oils.

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The more I think about these the more I find have unanswered questions. Now according to the data these will work on DC but I assume to get the best out of them you need DCC. So that bit not much of an issue. So to control it you move the DCC controller to the loco, this is where the issues start. I assume the firebox flicker is driven by a function rather than as it is in the Princess just leds driven by a bridge rectifier on the raw DCC. So to control the steam generator you need a extra function. You could use the flying lead on an 8 pin, TTS decoders don't have this, so you go to a 21 pin as it has room for more "hardwired" functions. That is where my next concern comes, most loco bodies are not wide enough to fit a 21 pin socket in, some have difficulty even with the 8 pin. Dapol and Bachmann have gone to newer technologies to get the DCC decoder in the loco, so I wonder how Hornby will do it?

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