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Heljan DCC turntable and RailMaster


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Hopefully there are a few out there mad enough to get their Heljan DCC turntable working with Railmaster!

First of all mine is working , BUT

I am still trying to work out the logic of its logic board!

I only have two tracks for entry and exit ( I cannot cope with more).

For some unknown to me reason they are tracks 2 (the default and a created Track 3 , Yes 3 . 1 is a ghost because I havent created it.

Anyway, the golden rule on Railmaster seems to be OBEY THE COLOUR RULE!

If you have clicked green ( because to control it , you use the points controller icons) , then next time to do anything.. use the RED button!

But if you are switching to another track, maybe that is not 100% true...

See.. I told you the logic is all Danish.

Anyways if that is the logic, then ok, so be it, I will not argue.

All said and done, my design is working for me, so if anyone is wanting advice on this integration, maybe use this thread?

Post here -- there is no guarantee .. mind you my retailer did swap out a completely knackered controller box for me -- showing ERR1 constantly it was.

Plus points - this HELJAN turntable looks and sounds (quiet!!) the business.

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Track 1 is the default entry position, Track 2 is the default position that rotates the table through 180 degrees so that the hut end rotates to the entrance simply to turn the loco around.

Track 3 is the next default exit so in program mode you rotate the tableto any position you want, The controller will automaticaly program another exit 180 degrees opposite that and name it 4. It does not need to be 3 it can be any number you like apart from 1 or 2. If you do not need the opposite one you can just delete it.

I don`t use Railmaster so can`t comment on it`s foibles.

Track positions 1 & 2 can be moved to other positions but you need a degree in gobblydgook to understand the manual.

There are two other things designed to put a spanner in the works, Namely the hut end of the bed and the laser need to be at opposite the end of the entrance track, The other is to remove the celophane on the eye of the underside of the bed.

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Thank you for that, the clear strip of polythene was still in place - that aint in the manual!

RailMaster because you have to turn the bridge by using the points icons with one of the 4 available accessory addresses, it is still an art to decide which way that bridge is going to turn ... clockwise or anticlock .. press red, or press green? it passes the time.

Apart from a calibration from time to time, the actual Heljan box is going beneath the layout as I don't use it.

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