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LSWR Terrier conversion to Kadee couplings

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I have a LSWR Terrier Class AIX Collector Club Special R3046 and it is fitted with a centre screw fixed D ring coupling. I wish to change this to a Kadee Coupling but cannot find a suitable one. I thought of the easyest way would be fitting a NEM socket conversion but can't find a suitable one. Any idea's

regards Keith

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I converted a j94 that had the same type of coupling using kadee #18. Just cut the tail off and drilled a small hole through it. Fixed the new kadee coupler using the original screw. Amazingly it was at the perfect height. I'll try and upload a picture in a bit.

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There are a number of people who have made 3D printed adaptors to convert a number of different coupling mountings to a NEM compatible pocket.

They tend to be found on eBay.

As we are planning to convert most of the rolling stock for Ffrwd Locks to NEM pockets, we are always on the lookout for such adaptors.

Having NEM pockets fitted allows a lot of different types of coupling to be fitted.

We have also converted Hornby 0-6-0 "Jinty" type chassis to NEM pockets, by glueing a pocket into place, after trimming the chassis plate to get the pocket at the correct height, etc., and drilling a new hole for the chassis bottom fixing plate screw through the pocket.

Any NEM coupling to be fitted to these chassis needs to be fitted, then a drill bit run through the hole to allow the screw to pass!

It works ok for us!

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I've tried some of the ones off ebay with mixed results. I fitted some to convert my airfix / dapol mk2 coaches which were the correct height, but now I have to use short kadees for reasonable distance between coaches when coupling. Use of a normal tension lock coupling with these sockets resulted in an extremely wide gap.

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