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I've found the culprit


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Remember a quite a few threads ago, I said about how I kept on finding the Lights on my Mag-Light Carriage kept on turning on them selfs.

Well I have found the Culprit.


Well it is the B. R. Class 3F 0-6-0T 'Jinty' - which is an old Loco which I bought 2nd hand a few yrs ago now. I'm not sure if it is to do any thing with the Magnet inside the Loco or not...to see what I mean - here is my vid to show you :-

Thank you in advance 🤔🚂
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The jinty in the picture is the one that replaced the ex-Tri-ang one. No chassis magnet, but will have X.03 motor and the SSPP chassis. Apart from the X.03 motor this model is still used today in the range. The jinty you have was made from 1978 to 1979 and is catalouge number R.058. It was a first issue of the SSPP chassis and then new jinty model. In good unboxed condition it's worth £25. Most likely it's the loco motor magnet that's operating the maglights

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Hello again all...

@ 3Link :- Thank you 🙂I'm not quite sure what you mean by 'Magnadhesion' - does that mean that the wheels are Magnetic - to keep the Loco more secure on the track??? 🤔

@ Atom :- Yes I can see a magnet next to the motor when I turn it up-side-down!!! I think it is just a basic 0-6-0 with a Motor & shell. I don't think it has a 'synchrosmoke' - I think that you mean by that smoke come out of the Chimney 🤔

@tt :- Thank you - When I bought it 2nd hand - no box came with it - just a piece of card with a photo of it & a bit of info & also saying it is R058-9300, but when I turn it up-side-down I see a number (under where is say Made in Great Britain) on the inside saying R052 010 - Interesting!!! & why do those 2 number don't match up???😉🚂

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I suppose it could have been worse, I fitted a neo magnet to one of my old locos and it picked up anything metallic on my layout. Needless to say, I took it back out. Funny I have used them in my Wrenns and had no such issues.

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Hi, JJ

As 96RAF says, Triang had a phase of adding small magnets to the chassis of their locos to attract the loco to the steel track, so increasing adhesion to avoid wheel slip. It only worked on steel track and it appeared to me that the track in your photo was steel. That being the case it crossed my mind that if the loco was fitted with Magnadhesion magnets, they could be magnetising the track and tripping the light relays in the carriages. The Magnadhesion magnets are a thumping nuisance but easily removed and replaced by small blocks of lead to give increased adhesion on nickel silver or other non-magnetic rail. If I have a motor with a weak magnet I add a couple of spare magnadhesion magnets to it and it bucks up a treat.

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I sus pect it is a magnetic foeld being set up when the Loco starts to draw current since the loco is some way from the coach. However, I did notice that you have an old H&M Duette under the coaches and wonder if this was supplying current to the loco.

These have a transformer built in with electrical windings that will set up a magnetic field (that is how a transformer works). If I remember my Physics correctly, the magnetic field will be stronger the more current is drawn and these old X03 and X04 locos do draw more current than newer motors. Have you tried the same experiment with coach and locos well away from the transformer?

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Oh I did not thought about that 81F - one Moment...Right I did a very quick experiment - Thank you 🙂 I took both of my Mag-light carriages to the opposite side of the room / Controllers (As you can See my H & M Duette & next to that is my H & M 2000) I put my 3F Jinty next to the 2 said Carriages (I even turn off / unplugged the Duette to double make sure & used the 2000 for the Power!!!) but the same thing happened - The Jinty still made the lights on the 2 said Carriages turn on / off - wait - I've just had another idea...I wondered how far away it would work - on my Layout it seemed to work about 20-30 cm away - then I took it down stair (cos I had yet another idea!!!) to my "JJ's Test Track" where it is all Nickle Silver Track - & I use a basic R7229 Controller - it even worked on that!!! With a distance of about 120 cm!!! 🚂

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