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Royal Scot/Patriot reversing lever falling off


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I suppose this is a bit of a moan but does anyone have a Royal Scot/Patriot where the reversing level has not fell off. I bought a brand new Scot and there it was in the box the reversing lever having fallen off. Since then I have bought a number of broken ones to fix and surprise, surprise, no reversing lever. Finally I bought a weathered one off EBay really nice loco, but the reversing rod fell off while it was being packed. I can see why they fall off, there is meant to be locating slots in loco base plate but on the ones I have had to replace I can never find them. In the end I just use superglue to attempt to glue them. Somewhere in this universe is a pile of Royal Scot/Patriot reversing rods.

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I take it you mean the rebuilt ones. In which case I have seven. None have fallen of. And when I converted one into 6170. I had fun and games trying to get the thing off. I can only think it is to many people are a bit rough with their models.

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We are talking about the metal reversing rod from the cab front to the running plate? On some models bright metal others can be painted.

trying to remember (all models in the loft) it’s not a two piece thing is it? Which can be found on some models. I’m going to have to have a look tomorrow now.

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