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RailMaster and Dcc Concepts Points

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I recently moved house and had to dismantle my layout which was controlled by RailMaster. I used DCC Concepts ip Digital point motors which I set up and controlled through RailMaster. I am building a new layout and because age takes its toll I am thinking of using DCC Concepts Digital Surface Mounted points. My question is can I set them up in RailMaster and not use the control board hat comes with the points.

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I believe those are stepper motors so the provided board is essential.

In any event any type of point motor will need a suitable command device to translate the DCC signal from the controller/RM, be it either a separate acc decoder or a built in one.

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Given DCC is a system whereby power is generated to the track using a bipolar square wave onto which is encoded (by varying the mark space ratio to represent 0s and 1s) an address section (to determine which device responds) and an instruction section (to tell the target device what to do), you must have a decoder that reads all of that and produces the required signal to drive the loco or accessory.

So everything needs a decoder to interface to DCC track power, whether integrated in the device or separate.

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