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Airfix 1/72 BAE Systems Hawk 100 Series A03073A Build Review

Pretty Mediocre Modeller

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I've built the previous boxing of this kit before in Indian Air Force markings. I've decided to build it again, as now this latest release has RAF Squadron markings included.

I believe that this kit is based on the Hawk T1, which itself is based on the original Hawk kit from the mid 1970's. It first came out about 2010 I think, so is one of the earlier releases under the Hornby ownership.


Other markings in the kit are for a Canadian and an Australian Armed Forces machine, both in special markings. I was tempted by the Australian box top star, but decided to stick with the bog standard RAF 'plane.




The decals are the usual high standard, with lots of stencils, by Cartograph as usual. Be aware that Sidewinders on a RAF machine are incorrect as we stopped using this missile several years ago.

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Sorry, been a bit of while since posting due to other commitments. Here are some shots of the sprues and decals, which are very good.



I intended to build this out the box as a quick fun build, and that's the way the cockpit went, apart from some tape belts. All fitted fine, but not much detail. The instrument decals are correct for the RAF machine, but not sure about the other two, I think they may have still had analog instruments.




Anyway, all put together, the base colour being Medium sea Grey, and the seats mainly Dark Sea Grey and black.

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Thanks Matt,

I put some nose weight under the rear seat, then closed the fuselage up with no real issues, even the rear top decking went on without a gap, unlike the T.1 version. Next the wings went together again issue free, but they did need some trimming on the inside surface to get a flush fit to the underside of the fuselage, and one top wing/fuselage join needed a little filler, as did the bottom wing mid section to the underside, front and back.

The intakes were much better moulded than on the T.1 kit, with no cleaning up needed, and the tailplanes both went on well.

The biggest issue was the join inside the airbrake, which will only be a problem if you have this open. There is a big gappy seem, that is hard to fill. I measured up the space with a pair of dividers and cut a false roof from thin plastic card, looks much better (see the pictures).





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Now I was going to be building straight out of the box for this one, but after looking at some images online, and even the box art, I noticed that there were some prominent details missing! The most obvious were the navigation light housings on the side of each intake, these are on the box are, and also on the decal placement diagrams, but missing from the kit. I made a rough representation from two small pieces of plastic rod, took about ten minutes.

The next thing I spotted was the missing landing light in the nose, the kit just has a flat face here. I could have painted it in at the end with silver paint, but decided to drill out the nose and glaze it with something at the end. Finally there are some missing blade aerials under the nose, and a flat aerial behind the cockpit, these were all fabricated with plastic card, taking a couple of minutes each.

After all that the model is now ready for painting.




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The hawk is now completed. Had no issues with finishing off, except the XXV Squadron fin decal, which will be staying as it is. A couple of other additions are the wingtip analysis pods scratch built from Evergreen Rod, to replace the Sidewinders, from referring to photos of actual RAF T.2s, and a small probe added to each side of the nose.

Overall an easy kit to make, but there are a few mistakes if you want to make an accurate second generation Hawk, and the detail is now a bit dated, coming from the early Hornby period.




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