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DCC Points on elink

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I have got elink and updated it to the latest version. I have connected the R8247 to the elink program port on the elink. Programming is carried out via the “track input signal” connection. Having done this I program the R8247 by pressing the tick button, wait for an hour . Nothing shows on the screen which is what I expect.

Should something appear do I now press the blue diagonal blue button. Then do I connect the track input signal to the the bus of the track and connect the points to the port 1?

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Go to the top of this Railmaster forum section then open the Railmaster FAQ Index sticky thread. Then read FAQ number 5. This FAQ5 post describes in detail every single 'step by step' process of configuring, setting up and operating the R8247 Accessory Decoder using Railmaster.

P.S. You wrote.....

"Having done this I program the R8247 by pressing the tick button."

The tick button is not used to actually program the R8247, it is used to READ the R8247 configuration settings. It is also NOT a 'save settings and exit' button. This is all explained in FAQ5.

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