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You Tube "Views" abnormality

Peter Stiles

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I post little videos on You Tube, mostly to show friends and family what I've been up to recently. Normally each of the videos gets three or five views and that's that. It's not like I'm trying to become Peter Strains or such like; not with a total of eight subscribers I won't.

But strangely the video I entitled "Class 91 For The Fallen + mk4s" has gained over 270 views! For me this is like being some form of Internet sensation and is vaguely unnerving.

(I won't link to the clip, that would be cheeky and would further distort this)

I assume it's the title drawing people in, but is it really *that* enticing? Any suggestions on how I've managed this (relatively enormous) feat of Public Approval?

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Yes peter that's weird, but then my little "Hornby APT - new and old versions shot on Runcam 2 4K", has got over 1000 views since February, which is nice but my others have got hardly any views even though I think they're a lot better. I'm never sure if just viewing the first few seconds counts as a view or whether you have to look till the bitter end. The algorithms seem to definitely promote "more of the same", so maybe you just got promoted to all the class 91 or fanatics out there some of whom took a peak!

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Hi Folks

As a YouTuber with over 340 Subscribers and a fair few videos, I can say that this is completely normal. Now, if the video was filmed in portrait (as opposed to Landscape) and is under 1 minute long, YouTube will have listed it as a 'short'. 'Shorts' tend to have random views - I recently uploaded I video of somrthing weird I had found on my travels as a short and it got over 2.1K views in the first hour then dropped off - whilst others such as a video of 75069 on the Severn Valley have barely any at all. With shorts it's not really about the title or thumbnail - youtube will randomly recommend your videos - though these factors may still play a part. If it's a regular video or over 1 minute long it's most likely because people like the thumbnail or title - most of my regular videos don't tend to get more than 50 views unless the title or Thumbnail is something very special. I've linked my channel for reference.

Hope this helps!

Best wishes


Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLLL46RwQxjcc_vXkY8p8AA

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Hello Peter

It's a bit like me with my

Video - I was only expecting to get about 200 views - about 3 & half years later - it ended up going Viral with over 10,380 views!!!

Liking your vid btw - Specially Locos with Lights - means you can use them in the dark!!! 🙂🚂

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