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Pit Stop Direction Arm


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Hi There,

By "pit stop" I presume you mean the single to dual lane changer:




One side of the track has a movable flipper the other doesn't (depending on whether right-hand or left-hand).

Digital cars have an LED in the bottom. When the driver wants to change lanes (on ARC PRO you have to press the button a good few seconds before passing the sensor and keep the button pressed until the car has made the lane change and then release) the LED blinks (it is invisible to the naked eye) and the flipper moves to the "change" position. If there is no signal (it is technically a "go straight" signal but that is getting geeky) detected it reverts to the "go straight" position.

If the flipper is not returning it could be you are somehow inadvertently activating lane changing.

On rare occasions it could be the LED on either the car or the track is dirty and the "go straight" "non-signal" is not being registered. Do not use any liquids to clean. Use a lint free cloth (ideally designed for photo equipment) and or compressed air/vacuum.

One also very rare problem is LED lighting in the room or sunlight as the sensors are infrared based and some wavelengths can cause issues.

Try turning off lights and moving away from windows etc...

Finally I saw one single time that someones WIFI was causing issues with ARC PRO but in his case it was a problem with the controllers not working/binding but if all else fails it is worth seeing if that make any difference.

Otherwise in most cases strange behavior of the flippers is down to a bad power connection: https://uk.scalextric.com/community/advice/track-maintenance

You can also test this by only putting the lane changing sections in the layout and testing.

If you know someone with a digital layout (it doesn't have to be ARC PRO it can be C7042 as well) you can test the section there as well.

If your layout goes over 10 meters/30 feet or you use more than 3 cars you should get a second power supply.

Good luck!

PS: If you add a pit lane to ARC PRO it has to be before or after the power base. Circumventing the power base will mean laps will not be counted...

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