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This range is not being sold through retailers so the only 'shop' in which it may be on display is at Hornby's H.Q. in Margate, Kent. Contact Customer Services on 01843 233502.

Hornby do have their display stand at model railway exhibitions but the only one currently showing on here is in Scotland.

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It’s worth remembering that only the Scotsman sets have gone out to customers, much more is imminent, buildings and track are released. As more stock gets to customers there will be an avalanche of videos online and it won’t be long before there are TT 120 exhibition layouts featuring the Hornby range.

The non availability in model shops has caused a lot of debate, there are good reasons that are covered elsewhere, we do live in an ever increasing on line retail environment but as the scale develops in UK I can see the smart model shops getting fully behind it

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Dodge, no, nothing at all in shops, only through Hornby.

Unless you happen to be in Australia and then all through shops at eye-watering prices and nothing through Hornby.

Can I suggest you start by joining the TT:120 Club (still free But worth it irrespective for the 15% discount on all TT purchases) and work from there. There is so much info already on the site from Hornby’s launch, some of which I have already referenced to you.

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The opportunity for your shop to do that is very limited even for power and control. Given you go with HM7000 decoders, which are likely via Hornby or shops if you are fitting yourself, all you then need first up is a PSU.

Yes, more “down the track” but limited initially.

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