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On board cameras


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I was watching "Hornby A Model World" last night and was intrigued by Pete Waterman's new layout with the locos controlled from a tablet. It occurred to me that what would make this really neat would be to have a camera installed in the loco to give a driver's eye view. I've found numerous miniature wi-fi cameras but none quite small enough to fit in the cab of a (steam) loco. However, if you are into modern locos (which I'm not) a camera might fit into a dummy power car. Has anyone tried this? I may buy one of these cameras and put it in a wagon pushed by a loco to try it out.

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If you search You-Tube for drivers view videos, you should be able to find some where the raw model railway drivers view footage has been 'post edited' using green or blue screen technology to create a layered mask. The mask then consists of a still image of the inside of a real loco in the foreground and the model railway footage being displayed through the loco windows (which have previously been edited to a consistent green or blue colour subject to the video editor in question) in the background. My own video editor on my PC is capable of doing this using a green screen technique. I did experiment with the technique and found it easy to do. But after experimentation to confirm that it could be done, I didn't take it further to produce a final completed video project. Will do one day........maybe.

Here is an example of what I have been describing. Driver's view starts 1 minute into video and further cab footage appears at various time stamps throughout the 15 min film.

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I think there may be some German models that have cameras in them, but this limits what you can do.

My weapon of choice is the Runcam 2 4K - about £90. Open up the body, unplug the lens and cut the glue that locks the lens thread. Voila! You now have a focusable camera that can focus down to 10cm. More advice on my youtube "channel" ( i use that term loosely):






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