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Help please re signal & point numbers in rail master

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Does anyone know how to get the above to appear correctly placed when you reduce the size of the layout? At present if I use the 75% or 50% the point numbers don't position correctly by the points and the signal numbers disappear altogether. I have the


latest updates & 1.41 on the elite. I have also requested help via the button on rail master.


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Had a responce from RailMaster support:


Dear RailMaster user


We have looked at this issue and a resolution will be available in the next official update (1.41) which will be released very soon. Your RailMaster system should install this update


automatically at the appropriate time.




Hornby RailMaster Support Team


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You can turn off the point and signal numbers anyway in Settings by unchecking "Show point numbers on plan". There's really no need to see the point numbers as RailMaster handles all of that for you. Gone are the days of having to have printed lists of


loco IDs and point numbers so that you can select them by number on the DCC controller.


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