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Two decoders, same address?

M. Matthews

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I currently have a few trains that are always top and tail (e.g NR test train with Class 73 at the front and back). At the moment, I manage this by having both locos on the same address and it works quite nicely. Just wondering if the Bluetooth decoders would be able to do this? I understand there will probably be some sort of consist option but I find that having the two on the same address saves the hassle of having to set the consist up.

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Not only can you run both locos on the same address but you can run them nose to nose like Class 20s do by altering CV19 . The magic is one loco in the consist is on address 1 to x and the reversed loco is that same address plus 128. The new decoders support this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes in DCC you can give them both the same DCC address or using CV19 run them in a double header on the consist address.

In the app each decoder has its own unique ID which cannot be changed so the only way is to run them as you describe is in a consist using the CV19 addressing per the new manual.

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I may have misled you a tad. That setup gets you DCC control of the consist.

If I can now correct myself - the app does not support consisting yet, but it will.

The only way I can think to run a consist from the app is by way of the dongle plugged into a suitable DCC controller. The consist ‘loco’ address is assigned to the dongle the same as a legacy decoder, then you can control it.

I will clarify that theory with the test team, but I guess we have to wait for dongles to prove it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have 2 Bachmann Class 20s running nose together on on hardwired HMDC7000 chips using the same address. Just go to CV29 on the back loco and select reverse running, (Bit 1) Sounds are identical and slightly off beat to give a surreal slight echo. Volume is awesome though as your getting twice the noise.

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I have 2 Bachmann Class 20s running nose together on on hardwired HMDC7000 chips using the same address. Just go to CV29 on the back loco and select reverse running, (Bit 1) Sounds are identical and slightly off beat to give a surreal slight echo. Volume is awesome though as your getting twice the noise.



Try using the CV19 dodge of adding 128 to the consist address of one loco which achieves the same reversal effect.

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