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How can I convert my Tornado Express Train Set to use R7293 HM6010 app.

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@Salman (for your information)

Regarding your 'Mr' post title. When the post creation box asks you to enter a 'Title' it means the title you want displayed to identify your post. NOT your 'Title'.

You are not the first 'first time poster' to fall into this trap.

Your actual content text is a more appropriate for use as your 'title' as it summarises your issue.

The main text box is where you need to expand on the detail of your issue.

Just for your additional information, this forum doesn't handle pasted text from external applications very well. Your oversized font text would have been better typed manually into the forum text box instead of pasting it.

P.S. As your issue appears to relate to the HM6000 series product. Your post would have been better placed in the HM | DC forum that focuses on HM6000 series products.

EDIT: After I posted this reply, it appears a mod has rectified all the points of information I raised.

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Your post issue seems to be a bit on the vague side. The HM6010 is a point / accessory controller that is controlled by the HM | DC APP. The HM6010 is used to operate motorised point motors and can be used with any layout. So the reference to the R1225M Tornado Express set is somewhat immaterial.

The HM6010 (as just said) is used to operate point motors. If you want to operate your Tornado Express train locomotive using the HM | DC APP then you need the HM6000 hardware box. The HM6000 has two track outputs so in effect replaces one or two existing DC Analogue set controllers (one of which would have been included in the R1225M set).

So basically to convert the R1225M set to HM6000 APP operation, you disconnect the existing set controller from the track and plug one port of the HM6000 in its place. You then need an Android or Apple IOS device (Mobile Phone or Tablet) that is compatible with the HM | DC APP to load the APP on. Then 'pair' the HM6000 to the APP via Bluetooth to take control. You would only add a HM6010 box to the HM6000 and APP control system via Bluetooth if you want to remotely operate points via electrical point motors (for example solenoid based). The HM6010 on its own has no capability to control locomotives.

Note that HM6000 & HM6010 boxes do not come with power supplies which have to be ordered separately.

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