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F28 AFC and F9 looped sounds behaviour

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I use F28, Automatic Function Control, to get sound effects when stationary and when running, and in general it works very well. However, I can't get F9 (Safety Valve on a steam loco) to sound from within AFC. Other sounds such as F7 Coal Shovel and F8 Injector work fine within AFC, and F9 works fine as a stand-alone function. I've tried it in two of my steam locos, in both cases as a stationary sound - I haven't tried it as a running sound.

If it's a bug, it's a rather strange one - perhaps someone else could try it out?

As another observation on AFC, the manual advises against using looped sounds (by which I assume that it means toggled functions), but when I do use Coal Shovel or Injector in AFC they sound for about 8-10 seconds and then stop, which seems fine. Within the app, such functions can be redefined as timed with a selectable time duration, which is a nice feature with no equivalent in Railmaster. Doing this has no effect on the duration when the function is used within AFC, since the time duration is presumably held in the app rather than in the decoder.

Regards, John

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For looped sounds I guess F28 allocates a time slot and some looped sounds may exceed this, hence could hog a channel that should be used by the next sound.

Have you got these sounds set as random or in sequence.

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I tried both random and sequential when trying to get F9 to sound, but it made no difference.

I guess most looped sounds are quite short before they repeat. They seem to run for about 10 seconds under AFC, so plenty of gap before the next sound which is typically at an interval of 20-30 seconds.

If AFC looped sounds work as they appear to, it might be worth updating the decoder manual to say how they work rather than advising against using them.

Regards, John

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