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Did Class 52 Westerns ever haul Freightliners?


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Maybe an odd question, but does anyone know if the Class 52 Westerns were ever used to haul block freightliner trains back in the 60's and 70's? And if the answer is in the affirmative, when and where?

RDS Mod Edit: I have amended the title in line with your question.

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Hello Potterton

I did spend a bit of time on your request. I slightly broadened the search criteria to include any non-passenger consist hauled by a Class 52, as the overwhelmingly vast bulk was passenger. Further, I did not restrict myself to any time frame.

Please do enjoy the following 3 images!




It is claimed that this one is from 1976


No date given on this one



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I have also just had a look through some of my books. Plenty of WR freightliner trains hauled by just about every other class on the WR including 25, 31, 37, 40, 45, 47, 56 etc but no Westerns. However, plenty of Westerns on other fitted and unfitted freight trains. I don’t see any reason why they wouldn’t unless someone else knows different? I would have a tatty heavily weathered example that had been substituted for a failed 47 if I were to run one. Why not?

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Thank you gentlemen for your replies.

@Rana You seem to have had the same "luck" I had. Just about every class going on the Western Region, but no Westerns. I did wonder if there was some incompatibility with the braking systems as the Class 52 were initially vacuum braked although some, (at least), were also fitted with air brakes later in their careers which may explain their apparent absence on freightliner trains.

@ The Bee Many thanks for the pictures and especially for including the links. Much appreciated.

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