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Supermarine Supermariners


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I've already posted an item rounding off my build of the Airfix 1/72 scale Supermarine Walrus, but way back when I first put something up about the build, I mentioned that I'd also built some other marine-based Supermarine aircraft - but to legitimise posting about "other" makes on this forum, here are all three together:


On the left is the Frog kit of the Supermarine S6B of Schneider Trophy fame. It was the only reasonably priced kit of the aircraft that I could find, and I have to say that it was not the most enjoyable of builds, with several 'fit' issues to overcome, as well as various inaccuracies.


The rear float struts supplied met at an acute angle on the fuselage centre-line, which was not the case, so they had to be remodelled and relocated - meaning some holes to be drilled, and others to be filled-in. The bracing struts between the floats should really have been replaced, but having only two hands at my disposal meant going for the simple option!

The supplied decals were very badly yellowed, and incredibly brittle - they simply fell apart when I tried to use the, so the spares box was raided for fin flashes and appropriate code-numbering. Paint used was brush-applied Vallejo Aluminium (602) and Blue (004) finished with Vallejo Satin finish varnish. Rigging was my 'go-to' AK Thin (you know how much I love rigging...).


The other marine-based Supermarine aircraft that I've completed is the PM kit of the 1/72 scale Spitfire VB which represents the very small number of prototypes of a float-plane variant that was trialled. I understand that it was originally thought of as a possible Mediterranean theatre aircraft to fly around the Greek Islands, but it never got beyond the prototype stage. The PM kit is a bit 'basic' - its main advantages being the float assemblies (and pylons), the tropical air-intake and the downward extension of the tail-plane (which requires a bit of razor-saw surgery and lots of filler to fit).


As usual, paints used were brush-applied Vallejo (Ocean Grey, Dark Green and Yellow). The decals that came with the kit were insufficiently opaque to be of any use, so a sheet was ordered from Hannants with the characteristic yellow-circled 'P' (for prototype).

Which brings me back to the Airfix Walrus - although it's a relatively old-mould, it was a far more enjoyable model to build, being significantly better in terms of fit.

So here's a final picture of the Walrus, followed by another picture of all three of the Supermarine-Supermariners:


Thanks for following the thread through - hope it's given you some ideas!


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Hi Patrick. Presumably the same fault because at some time the moulds were shared? I suspect that the blue on your version might be a little more accurate - mine seems a bit bright... but hard to tell from old photographs. I remember as a child (60 years ago...) seeing the aircraft on the pier in Southampton, but memories fade (along with the paintwork). And it also looks as if your decals were the ones supplied. I like the cradles - did you scratch them, or did they come with the kit?

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Colours are always difficult. Models are much smaller than the real thing so the could should actually be a bit lighter than the real thing. It's a bit like looking at the real thing from a distance. Colours tend to "grey" a bit with distance. I don't fixate on the colour ..... just try to capture the feel of the thing. But remember of course my main interest is liners not aircraft. The decals were the ones supplied and the cradle was scratchbuilt. It's functional but not too pretty. My scratchbuilding has come a long way since I built that model!

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