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help needed with re-programming engine control numbers on an Elite controller


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You don't delete a DCC decoder address as such. You just write a new address over the top of the old one.

The DCC loco address is stored in the decoder, not the controller. Therefore there is nothing in the controller to delete. The 10 memory slots in the Elite are dynamic and will self manage themselves without user involvement. They also clear automatically from the memory slots when the Elite is switched off.

You can full reset the decoder to factory configuration (which is the nearest feature to a delete address function) by writing a value of 8 to CV 8 this will reset the decoder DCC Address to 03 (some brands of decoder may possibly have a different reset CV, but writing 8 to CV 8 is in the majority).

What is the Firmware revision of your Elite? as this has a bearing on the address writing methodology to suggest you use. The Firmware revision number appears briefly on screen as the Elite powers up. It is likely to be 1.4x where x is a number between 1 & 5.

Note that this question may get moved by a mod to the 'Hornby DCC' Forum where you should have posted it in the first place.

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As previously stated, you do not delete an address, you overwrite the old address with the new one you want to use.

Rather than re-invent the wheel and re-document the whole process here. It is more than adequately documented with 'step by step' screen shot images on Page 15 of the Elite 1.41 manual (the 1.41 manual covers later firmware revisions as well).

The one thing you need to note is that according to your posting history you previously had a Select which of course did not have a separate programming output, but with the Elite 'Direct Programming Mode that is documented on Page 15' you have to use the PROG A&B output terminals to change a loco address with the loco placed on a programming track piece that is totally separate from your main layout.

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