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Resetting a "new" decoder


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Just got a couple of new TXS decoder and trying to link/set them up.

Have gone into the app and searched. It finds the device but not as "ready to link". Comes up under resettable devices. However. I don't have the code to do it as this is usually emailed after you have linked and set up the device.

Any suggestions?

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Please ignore the above question. Found the answer.

I exited the app with the decoder powered up and scanned again. This time it worked. Not sure if it's the correct answer but seems that you need to start the app after powering up the device rather than the other way round.

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You have found the Hornby recommended solution by accident but for any others in the same boat, its one of the many tips contained in the troubleshooting guides and pinned posts at the top of the forum.

I can't recommend them enough.🙂

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No, you scan it initially as part of the linking process. Once linked it will appear in the ‘Engine Shed’ and at the top of the control/operating screen. From there you can add a photo, rename, renumber etc.

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In my case I wanted to see if the device had got damaged because its properties had got corrupted. It doesn't matter I found a way to sort it out. Thanks for the info. Interestingly once I deleted the app and rescanned it sorted the device out. My device initially appeared on the app but I couldn't change from Bluetooth to DCC.

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Yes 96RAF thanks for the information. Interestingly in my case in my case I just got the opinion that the app was pointing to the wrong decoder or had somehow screwed itself up because it had disabled DCC and Bluetooth controls but supposed could still see the decoder. Deleting the App reloading it and starting from scratch fixed it, well the non sound part of the decoder. After setting the least significant bit in CV29 the sound still doesn't work, more importantly how did it get cleared, I don't touch CVs. I suspect something on the sound circuit has blown, I am waiting for a response from Hornby. I also had issues reading CVs on my Elite, sometimes it worked sometimes not, more interestingly when it didn't work I got a buzz on the speaker. Anyway it can go back to Hornby, if I had done something dubious I would own up but in this case all I did was fit the decoder and PowerBank properly into the tender so I could get the body on and it stopped working.

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I know the the person who posted it highlighted their error several posts later. The bit in question is the direction bit. I have done everything I can think of but the sound does not function so it is a return job. As to the weird effects I was getting with the decoder and app who knows. There does seem to be an issue accessing CVs on DCC occasionally, normally I would blame the track but I double checked that. The decoder now works perfectly on DC and Bluetooth without sound, I even ran it around the layout for an hour without it failing. So obviously something has gone wrong with the output stage of the sound.

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