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Photo competition closes tonight! (here's my entry)

Ducking Giraffe

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Great photo.

You had in fact successfully posted 4 times. I’ve deleted the duplicates, you might get a system e-Mail about it.

Unfortunately the “Your post has been successful” pop-up appears in an unhelpful location. We are trying to get this amended, but in the meantime if folk would be good enough to post once and look for the notification it would be appreciated. R-

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Hello Ducking Giraffe

If the contest is to be measured by how closely the model resembles the prototype, then you have absolutely met that criteria. I studied the image to be sure what I was observing. The prototype or the model?

Mission accomplished, well done lad!

Hi BulleidBoy

Heck no. It is the arcane approval system that is at root cause of the issue. You responded to one (of many). How were you to know which was "the one".


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Hi Roger B

I do apologise, i appreciate any photos need to be moderated so I was going to wait but then i got a email saying

Dear steve,

Your recent post Photo competition closes tonight! (here's my entry) in the Hornby Forum contained content which has been rejected by one of our moderators.

Because of this, your post cannot be made public.

Thank you,

The Hornby Team

So i submitted again with no youtube link. Then the original went through! Maybe that was just someone deleting my first excessive submission.... Sorry to cause you more work.


Thanks for that, look at the video, its even better with sound!

steve aka DG

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@DG, only started last October, caught the news of Hornby unleashing TT:120 on the world quite by chance. I’d never really got far with permanent layouts in past, last one over 15 years ago and a legal spat with Bachman over quality completely put me off the hobby so it was scrapped before it got very far. This time things have progressed well and loved getting into the scenic stuff for first time. 40 years after pouring over brochures and Railway Modeller, great to actually do it! The layout has had 2 extensions so far, the docks started in June.

I’m guessing your very arty shots are with smoke and lasers, I looked on Amazon for ‘atmosphere in a can’ and got some very odd menopause treatments! Not quite the fog I was looking for 🤣

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Great you've done really well with your TT layout, I like it lots!

Not that I'm bitter, but... TBH I'm not that keen on the final 5, the layouts are great but not wild about lighting and composition. The black and white by Jack Cutmore is really nice, could swear it's real. What does anyone else think, are there any you'd vote for?

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I’d agree, the B&W on Jack’s entry gets my vote.

Thanks for the nice comments, I model and play trains to make me happy so it’s always a bonus when someone else likes it too. My photo and video skills are raw aka rubbish! 🤣

I love to see others being creative, sometimes the hobby gets bogged down in moaning about this and that and YouTubers skimming a profit off enthusiasts. More layout pics, less nonsense 😁

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Not that I'm bitter, but... TBH I'm not that keen on the final 5, the layouts are great but not wild about lighting and composition. The black and white by Jack Cutmore is really nice, could swear it's real. What does anyone else think, are there any you'd vote for?

I also like the black and white one, there’s a very similar colour shot in this months BRM, along with an LNER shot that looks very similar to one of the other shortlisted shots. Perhaps from the same club layout?

I was a bit surprised by the Copley Shed shot being shortlisted with the chosen image not having ballast or detail, seemed a bit of an odd choice.

That aside there’s some great work by the folks involved.



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