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Headlamps on new models.

Jules Hathaway

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I have recently seen the sample of the new Caprotti Black Five that was shown at Warley this year. It does look a really good and I have one on pre-order as I do not have a Black Five on the board. I am pleased to see that the wheels have black tyres and not silver ones that is more common and, to me, spoils the look as the 12 inch to the foot version would not have silver tyre rims.

But what does concern me are the headlamps, what on earth is going on there? OK I guess this is aimed at the DCC users and the lamps can be lit differently to represent different workings. But they are MASSIVE, way out of proportion and just do not look right. Every loco has the Royal Train headcode fitted irrespective of which lamps will be lit, that really is just wrong especially on the tender!!

Will these oversize headlamps be easily removeable or will they be permanent? If they can be taken off are they lit by wire or fibre optic? What are the options with the headlamps?

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They may have a development of that used in the 6202 LMS Turbmomotive.

The upper smokebox door lamp can be installed - and lit - or left off / removed.

I believe Sam (Sam's Trains) fitted his and found it substantially weaker than the lower 2 permanently fitted / installed.

Perhaps Sam didn't fit his lamp correctly (he suggested as much), but it seems like a form of 'light pipe' had been used, not a separate led.


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Over on RMWeb they have been whipping themselves into a frenzy for some time on the sunject of the lamps. All a bit pathetic in my opinion.

The point is that we have not seen the final iteration of the lamps nor does anyone actually have an example to physically examine.

Until we do, any comment would be nothing more than speculation.

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Hello Jules,

As this is your first post, welcome aboard.

Now as to your questions, there can be no answer in this forum. Why? Because Hornby, rather surprisingly, maintain no presence here.

Since speculation will be fruitless, may I recommend you contact


with your questions.

I have asked similar questions in the past about other models still under development. They will ask the engineering staff, and you will very likely receive an answer to your queries. If and when you do, please do share with the forum.

Hint: when asking your questions, number them. Make them specific. Reference the model number: Rxxxxx


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To echo SteveM6, those displayed are prototypes showing all possible locations. Hornby are still playing with installation and moving the lamps to suit different train types, so do not take those on show as the final iteration. The chap I spoke to, from the engineering department I think, said the most likely out of the box arrangement will be Express goods, which covers some other train types too. The smoke gen models will hopefully be around the end of next year, those without could be here by Summer 2024.

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Thank you to those who have replied. I am a little surprised that Hornby does not have a presence here so I take on board about contacting them direct. Hopefully once the model is finalised and ready for release there will be something said about the headlamps. If nothing by February then I will have to spear the guys on the Hornby stand at the Scottish Model Railway exhibition and get in about their box on the subject.

As for Sam's Trains......I don't go there. What is the main thing that manufacturers say to avoid and not to do? Do not run your locomotive on track laid on a carpeted floor, and what does Sam do?

I will post any reply I get from Hornby.


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It wouldn't be the first time that Hornby that Hornby have had fixed headcodes on their Steam Locos. Remember the Dutchess of Hamilton introduced in the mid 1979's with a Class C headcode? - Fine if you wanted a loco for pulling a fast vacuum fitted freight carrying Parcels, Fish, Milk, Fruit Live stock or Perishables!

Worse still Lima's small prairie with molded lamps displaying a Class A passenger head code on its bunker - just right for pulling the Cornish Riviera express bunker fist! Although I suppose it could have been used on a snow plough or breakdown crane going to a job or piloting the express into a platform

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