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Slow Lane

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I have a 2 lane permanent digital layout, recently ressurected after years of no use.

I've had the track running fine- both lanes, analogue and digital and up to 5 cars running as pace cars ( I have the advanced six car powerbase)

Track recently developed an issue with one lane being noticeably slower than the other. I've swapped controllers, swapped cars, swapped power packs and deduced the issue is with that particular lane. I've also noticed that there is a small amount of power going through the slow lane.. even with no controller connected ( this is in analogue mode). Does anyone have any thoughts as to what the issue could be?


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Since digital sends power around the whole track regardless of lane it is more than likely something physically going wrong, likely oxidation causing more resistance.

If it is not too much hassle, set up the smallest, simplest oval and gradually add track until the problem occurs.

If that is out of the question (as you say it is permanent) using an ohm meter might help...

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Thanks Andy. It's now developed a different issue (albeit possibly related) - 3 digital lane changers are now forcing cars to change lanes randomly without any input from the controllers. As you say testing on small circuits will be problematic- I may have to invest in an ohm meter, to see if I can identify the issue.

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Usually if there is a bad connection i.e. low power the flippers do not activate.

If they are randomly activating the it is usually there is some infra-red source interfering like LED lights, sunlight/shadows etc.

There was one report that the WIFI frequency was causing problems but I don't have any experience with it myself.

You could of course replace the powerbase with another digital powerbase o any kind and see if that is the problem..

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The peg on the "male" side of the rail is really a pin and those can come loose or something could be causing a poor connection. Expansion and contraction can cause it as well.

If you can get some track real cheap maybe make a small oval just to ensure the powerbase isn't the issue..

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Hi Paul,

Now that you have a short circuit causing the APB to trip into safe mode, it’s probably time to separate the powerbase from the track in order to establish whether the short is inside the powerbase or within the racetrack. If the latter it could be a rail-to-rail short or perhaps an internal short within the lane changers.

Clearly a simple rail-to-rail short would be the easiest to fix so let’s hope that is the case.

However, the gradual deterioration you describe over your earlier posts does suggest that a failing electronic component may be the cause.

I hope these thoughts are helpful in addition to what Andy has already suggested.


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Maybe try vacuuming the track, then test it again.  If continued power dips, treat with INOX , then test again.  If that does not work, check each track piece with Volt-Ohm meter working around the track from the power source for bad connections.  Would be interested in your results.


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