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HM 7000 app starts with a white screen


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Good evening all,

As I posted in the title my app is starting with a white screen.

I have powered off my Samsung Galaxy Tab A8 and turned off the track power from my Z21 Black to no effect so far as the issue still persists.

I have followed the troubleshooting tips in the online manual but I really don't want to uninstall the app, do a reinstall and have to set up all 23 of my decoders again.

I've exported the loco profiles and reset codes.

Has anyone any ideas other than an uninstall.

Many thanks in advance.


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My one stayed on the startup screen indefinitely. I cleared the app from the screen (left hand button on Samsung) and restarted the App it was then ok. I did not in this case deinstall the App.

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The app should load whether there is track power or not. The only difference will be without track power or HM7K decoders the app will indicate looking for a host.

As Colin says close the app from the apps in use screen on your device and re-open.

Also go to the app store and check there is not an update waiting.

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Thanks for the replies.

I've tried what you suggested but so far no luck.

I've brought my tablet in from the garage where the layout lives to see if being in a warmer climate has any effect as it has been saying that the tablet is too cold to charge properly.

I'll let you know how I get on.


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Well I bit the bullet and uninstalled the app, reinstalled it and reset and re-linked all the decoders.

It all works perfectly again now.

I'm going to keep the tablet in the warm when I'm not using it in the garage in future.


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