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Helijan Class 28 Review


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I bought two when they originally came out. One was a special from Hattons and the other from someone else. I think both were Heljan special builds. It runs ok, but then I am not an expert. The only issue I remember was it was difficult to get apart to add a DCC decoder, the body was a tight fit to the chassis. So what did you want to know?

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Thanks for your reply ColinB.


I just wanted to know if they are any good in running like bachman class 20 or even hornby class 20, both are very good slow runner and I want to add Helijan Class 28 to my collection, if they are as good or better than class 20. I really respect your view so anything you say or show would be good enough for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't own a class 28, but I do have a Heljan class 15, a class 23 Baby Deltic, and a class 47, and they all run beautifully at slow speed, definitely as good as my Bachmann class 20.  I think most Heljan diesels have very good mechanisms, with the exception being the class 17, where the first release had an issue with faulty motors. 

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One person commented in a recent review of the 'new Class 28' that the tooling doesn't appear to have changed since they were originally issued in, I think 2004, so don't expect super fine detailing.

I like Heljan and have perhaps 6 of various of their locomotives - a Class 58 is on my tracks currently - quiet, super smooth, heavy with excellent power and traction.

I have a new-tool Class 86 which is quite simply fantastic.

They generally seem to use very powerful, good quality motors, but a little maintenance is always required - that original grease can get hard, should be removed and a little dab of fresh applied, for example.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have just run mine and yes it runs perfectly ok. You might need to remove the detailing at the end you put the NEM coupling as the vacuum pipe etc. might interfere with it. On my layout with its sweeping bends it was not an issue but points were a problem. There again all Heljan locos suffer from that. The other thing that did surprise me was that the new ones are exactly the same as my ones which must be about 8 years old. So you get directional lights but no cab lights and an 8 pin decoder. I would have thought they would updated the cab lights and fitted a 21 pin socket but they didn't.

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