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ESU 59029 LokPilot 5 Basic decoders giving issues.

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Hello All,

I have two of Revolution Trains Inspection Saloons, one in Network Rail Brunswick Green and the other is the British Railways Blue/Grey version.

I love them when they are working correctly on my Elink RailMaster DCC controlled layout.

Both coaches I have been fitted with ESU LokPilot 5 Basic decoders and at first everything operated as it should, Interior Lighting, Searchlights etc.

But then all the lighting functions on one them just went out and in the last two weeks the other coach lighting functions have also stopped working. Why I do not know as everything else on my layout is still working normally.

I have tried to Factory Reset the decoders with my Elink RailMaster but with no success yet.

If anyone else has had to Factory Reset this type, or a very similar type of decoder, using Hornby Elink RailMaster and been successful, would the please post exactly how they achieved this.

I'm thinking I might have to resort to buying two replacement decoders, but I haven't given up yet on "repairing" the ones I have at the moment.

Thank you for taking the time to read my posting and may I thank anyone in advance who replies with help or advice.

Regards to all ModelHawk216.

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