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Points and accessories decoder questions


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I am currently using the select unit with two points decodes, they are both currently connected the the track with the supplied power pins provided in the box, so my question is this:


Do they have to be connected to the track via


the connecting pins or can I wire them directly into the back of my select unit to the track output providing I link the wires up correctly (A to A and B to B)


Also do I have to buy and use a separate points decoder to link some 12v street lamps to


the set or can I link them to the remaining slot in my second R8247? Also would the lights work best linked up in series or paralell?



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Using a twin cable from the Track output terminals to the input of the first PAD then onto the next PAD is ideal way of wiring It removes all reliance on track connecting clips and rail joints (Fishplates) etc.


I would not use a PAD to feed


the lighting though it can be done but the PADs output would need its CV altered to give a continuous output when turn on rather then the pulse its supplies as. This you cannot do with the Select!


I would use a totally separate power supply to proved


12 volts dc for the lamps A wall plug type PSU would be ideal and its output can be 500milliamp or greater and ideally try to obtain a regulated one which keeps the output volts constant regardless of load. Look at ebay or Maplin etc for suitable PSUs. The


other alternative is to use an old dc train controller.


If the lamps are rated at 12 volts connecting two in series would reduce their brightness by 50% each. If connected in parallel then they will be at their full brightness.

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Sorry typos in par 2! :-(


It should read.... I would not use a PAD to feed the lighting though it can be done but the PADs output would need its CV altered to give a continuous output when turned on rather than the pulse its supplied as. This you


cannot do with the Select!

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do double check your sums if you are planning to use 12V filament lamps. they can draw 50-100mA each.


This means 20 lamps could draw 1-2A!!! They also generate heat and burn out at some stage.


LEDs have a much lower current draw. Although


some uber bright leds might draw 50mA typical applications might only use 5-10mA. The nominal current is 20mA. This would means the 20 LEDs would draw 0.4A or less.


if you have not already considered LED you might like to have a look at them. The idea


of a separate power supply is anyway a good one.


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