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Servo Point Control via Hornby HM6010 Update

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Hi, just managed to get all of the bits together that I needed !

I can confirm that I have managed to get the HM6010 to control a standard servo point motor, this was achieved via a BLOCKsignalling servo controller SRV4, I have even managed to use it to control a set of two aspect signals also via the servo controller.

One issue that I have noticed is that when the HM6010 is linked via the analog HMDC app, the control seems to disconnect after about 20 activations or a minute or so, this does not happen if connected to a physical switch so it’s not the signal controller.

I have managed to get the HM6010 to work via the digital HMDCC without problems, this means that I open both apps on spit screen on my iPad, I can control the tracks via HMDC and the points via HMDCC.

The attached video, was recorded while the HM6010 was connected via the HMDCC app

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That is really useful feedback as it means folk can also use servo points control from any 3 wire acc decoder that can be set to continuous output. Could you please post a sketch of the exact wiring connections between modules so that others may take advantage of the set up.

Note that there was a bug in the DC app where the points control was timing out after a minute. I thought it had been fixed.

Note also that 6010 modules use different firmware version in the DC and DCC apps. It is worth checking in each app set up if you have the correct version for that app.

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