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Hi. Railmaster support are certainly working hard and late. I am sure are emails helping if not taking up time as we all do seem to be having the same issues to a varying degree. I actually got a point to change in both directions on four successive occasions


before it stopped. Can work a loco but slider( not really a slider as you have to tap it) which is not good but never liked it in main prog anyhow. As stated they have done numerous changes and more will be forthcoming. I have now been told can alter the whatever


it is called setting back from 0 to anything under 15 although I am not sure exactly what this really does as on O it did work the nearest to properly. Interesting to read all above and know not your computer so don't go mad just hang in and all (well most)


will be sorted. Well done Railmaster. Malcolm

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Making good progress. I created a Test track diagram with 2 points from Scratch & now have the Red/Green point Colours in bright colour when I change the Points. I still have Time interval set to OFF & can control both Loco's & two points on my test diagram


very well.

But using a Standard layout from the RM Track Plan A through to F still shows point colours on the Ipad a dull colour with no distinction of direction, The Desktop shows everything OK.

Am now confident the Bugs are being sorted ready for


a full release, until the next problem!. Lets keep our fingers crossed.

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latest update, Hornby support have issued another Beta release as from about 1600hrs today still 1.45 but with a 1 in brackets 1.45(1)

This has resolved most issues I've found running handheld on an Ipad 3. You can control still 2 points plus a signal


& 2 Loco's but running Time interval as OFF in Ipad App & setting Server ( PC ) IP address as a Static value in either your PC or within the Router. The Ip address for the handheld does not have to be set as a static but can be DHCP, either will work.



nice little feature that appears on the Handheld is that the 2 points & any signal whilst under the Beta copy shows Yellow dots againt the points that are allowed to be changed. The point Red/Green icons on the Handheld now reflect the point changes but the


Point Numbers & Grey route marker are not schedulled to be part of the First release according to the RM support team. I also have found that making Point or Loco changes on the Server (PC) does not get reflected on the Ipad app. Have mentioned this to Hornby


support so await any response. In all it is getting better So looks promising. Also using any Hornby Trackplan from the RM drop down menu now works points up to the 2 allowed under Beta copy, but have the yellow dots to indetify which will switch.

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HI Certainly great progress. The yellow dots helpe d me find my s e. cons working point and they both worked great train worked as well. Only real issues was shunt and cruise did not seem to kick in although the tap slider seemed improved. All in all a


pleasant 15 minutes of control before other matters arose. The above was without the latest update as I had not opened email from railmaster so perhaps my little glitches may be overcome when I load that tomorrow. The handbook for handhelds has been updated


with a more extensive input on networks. ( use same link). Malcolm

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Just got my tablet back from Support and the rendering is now spot on!

The dots next to the points are dots and the buttons do lit up when pressed!



Looking very good for the release date, with all these different hardware configurations


now being addressed.

Just need to have a good running session to prove the connection and that should be it.

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I have been using LogMeIn (free demo version) to use my iPad2 to control Railmaster on my old Dell laptop. Although the set-up works reasonably well, it is not the ideal solution. As I have just caught up on this thread today, I decided to try out the


iPad app with Railmaster 1.45 on my old Dell laptop.


I am pleased to say that the evaluation version of the iPad app worked perfectly at the first attempt and would like to thank all contributors to this thread for comprehensively testing the software


and for the feedback given to Hornby. Thanks also to Hornby for responding so quickly to the feedback.


I will certainly be buying the full version of the app on 1 February.

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Hi, My sons have been waiting for this. We upgraded Railmaster recently and got the announcement so I am looking forward to trying. I have not read the information properly yet so I am sure it tells me exactly what to do but I was surprised that I could


not find any searches for Hornby or Railmaster in the Apple app store. I hope I will be okay as I am a network consultant/engineer! Will post my results

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Hi PiMan, as it is only in beta for a start, it's not in the App Store. Just follow the instructions in the announcement and it tells you the web site to go to to download the app to your iDevice. As my laptop was already set to a static IP address, I


found that was all I needed to do. After installation, it just worked without anything else needed from me. I only did it last weekend, so the issues addressed to date on this thread had already been fixed. I installed the iPad version so 2 locos and track


plan were already there.

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Hi All. Seems as though we are all thrilled with developments. My iPad seems to be working fine now although main prog operation of trains does not show up on iPad and on iPad I can only use cruise and shunt by pressing relevant button twice. My difficulty


is when I try to add iPhone to use as another device either will not log in and when it does not happy and iPad joins in sympathy. I am using Vista on laptop with static ip and devices have address but end number +1. Used separately log in no problem and iPad


works fine but iPhone 4S is fine with trains but spasmodic with points. Railmaster support are looking into it but has anyone else tried these combinations please. Thanks Malcolm

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Hi all, Well I have just got my iPad working but I had an issue getting it working that others or Railmaster themselves may need to know about. After following the instructions, the iPad just would not connect even though I had stopped my firewall on my


Railmaster PC, etc. I found somewhere it said you could change the port in the Railmaster.ini file. On checking mine, I found no reference to it.


I have had my Railmaster installed for nearly 2 years now so it was quite an early version when I first


got it. I upgraded to 1.44 before Christmas and saw the handheld feature in the news. Before trying today, I upgraded to 1.45. This was before checking the ini file with no reference to a TCP (or UDP) port.


I took a guess that this was the reason it


was not connecting and googled around and found a posting with the correct ini file line. I added

TCP start port=30

to my ini file

Hey presto! It started working fine. Others with an early install may have this issue too.


Can you change the


two locos that you are restricted to? It has picked up two from my list that I don't use as regularly as others?



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Firstly you can change the locos.

In RailMaster on your PC in the Loco selection or set up tab where you have the list of all of your locos, scroll down the list until you find one that you use ofter and using the up/down arrows at the bottom of the


tab move the locos position to the top of the table.


As you can only use 2 locos and 4 points, it's the first two locos, so like I say just move two locos that you use to the top two positions in the roster.


I don't think you can register( or


should that be buy) the software just yet, by all means try but I don't think it's fully released until FEB.

If it takes your money and you get sent an activation key then it's working and then tell us so we can buy it!


It's funny you mention about


the .ini file as on my evaluation version which was fairly old, that had lots of the settings missing.

If you read the instructions though it has a list of all of the settings that can be changed in the .ini file.

I just copied this list and pasted it


into the .ini file and edited it so the new settings looked the same as the settings that were already there.

All worked fine.






PiMan said:


Oh and also is there a way of registering the Beta version or are we


resticted to the two locos?

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It won't let you buy it just yet.

When you first connect the tablet to the PC you get a pop up window on the PC saying it's an evaluation version.

At the bottom is the shopping trolley and a few other buttons if you click on the


shopping trolley button it says you can't buy it until FEB 1st.





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Hi Ian, thanks for pointing out the fact it chooses the first two locks. Obvious really! I have not given it a good go yet, just had time to get it working.


I won't try activating but will wait until it is officially released.


I'll check


the ini settings in case something obvious is missing. Maybe it will help the issue that railmaster often does not see my elite when starting up. I have to go into settings and reset the com port most of the time





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