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Hornby R2553 Duchess Class 46237 City of Bristol BR Blue Bottom chasiss with pick ups


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I have searching for over 24 hours for part number X8944, no one have in stock, I only need the pick ups from that part, as the original pick ups are all bent and one is 3 out of 1 has been cut off by someone. I have tried my best to fix them so I can use the existing pick up but they get caught in wheel each and every time. So i would be very grateful if some one can direct me which other Loco have same or similar pick up which I can buy and use, very few parts are available i.e. valve gear, cylinder block with Motion bracket, some have arrived and some I am waiting for, But I can not get X8944 Duchess Loco Bottom chassis with pick ups from anywhere.

Any help will be much appreciated.

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You can use x7355 which is the one from the latest Duchess. I think the wheel spacing is the same on an A3 or A4 so a loco bottom from one of those might have the same pickups. I haven't got one apart at the moment to check. When I wanted one for a Duchess without pickups I am pretty sure I used x7355. You will have to solder the wires on as this used the plunger type connections.

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  • 1 month later...

Further update guys, I took the advice of @ColinB and been avoiding fixing this for quite sometimes. I have installed the x7355 with slight modification, I have to open up the hole where the rear pony frame is screwed on,

  • pick-ups were still getting caught with one wheel, so I checked the wheel with magnifying glass, (this is my assumption) somehow the glue used by previous owner must land on the inside of the wheel which was causing the pickup getting caught and bent. After I grind the wheel flat with mini sander, no more pick up issue.
  • Next, took long time, to sort out the valve gear, initially I installed the valve gear incorrectly, took me good couple of hours to fix the issue, had to remove the motor to fix the valve gear.
  • Changed the Tender and did the wiring to best of my knowledge but keep getting short. Took few attempt to figure out, as it turns out it was incorrect wiring initially, but later I checked few times only to find out the blanking plate was faulty, when I changed the blanking plate, the Loco worked.
  • Everything is working fine now, but expect that, motor is spinning, but wheel don't move, I know the wheel are free, so I think either motor is not sitting in chassis (I have checked twice and motor is sitting straight in the chassis) or gear is faulty. I will have to take it out from another loco to test that but until then I am putting aside.
  • 4 Pin connector I have is from AliExpress (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005129976789.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.125.44101802vVLuPf) with better wires and colour coded.
  • Red, Yellow, green and black. Red is the right pickup of the Loco, Yellow is left pickup of the Loco, green is the negative of the motor and black is positive of the motor. I will try to upload the pictures soon as well.

I hope this help others whom want to attempt similar.

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